|Chapter 1 |

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Izzy but imagine with black hair

I walked into school greeting random aquantinces. I looked for my friends spotting them easily and walked towards them. "Hi Isabelle.", they greeted as I reached them clustered by Conners locker.

They were all talking about the schools welcoming dance this week.
I sighed brushing my black hair behind my ear. They've been taking about this since last week it was getting really annoying.

"Can we talk about anything else Alison?", I asked before she looked at me annoyed and scoffed before replying.

"Like what the weather Izzy?" She said before shooting me one last glare and continuing with her so interesting description about her dress. I groaned in defeat knowing I wouldn't win. After all it was considered a sin to talk back or even verbally fight with the perfect Alison Gomez.

I looked around the group and started talking to Conner. "Hey Conner can you go to the dance with me.", I asked causally. I looked at him smiling hopefully.

He nodded smiling and hugged me. I hugged him back before ruffling his hair. He groaned before adding on to our (mostly Allisons discussion about prom) conversation.

"Sure Izzy just don't make us match outfits." I laughed before nodding. As much as I'd love to see him suffer I couldn't stomach the thought. "Sorry your choice fashion sucks Con." He stuck his tongue out at me before focusing back on Alison. "Aww I ship you guys even if you don't see it and deny it." Quinn started saying as everyone agreed. Alison glared at me for stealing her little "spotlight". Not my fault I had to ask before her minions did.

Conner and I hate it when people ask us to the dance, so we usually went together to avoid rejecting others.

I ignored Quinn's gushing and pulled away. From the group momentarily. I grabbed a few things from my locker before heading back. I hated that people were always shipping us together. I specifically hated it because I knew it would eventually make things awkward between us.

I admit he's cute, but we're friends, and I don't want to mess that up. The bell rang and we started going our separate ways.

I sighed again and turned to face Conner and Jason.

I hugged Conner and Jason ( other friend ) quickly and left. I groaned remembering I had math first period. It's not that I don't like math. It's just that I hate it. What's not to hate about math.

The puzzling questions and rules were never easy to memorize. I stopped my thinking and entered the class.


The school day passed by to quickly for my liking. I honestly wished school lasted longer. I know other people are glad to be going home but I'm not. Seven hours seems like a lot but time flies. I put away my stuff before walking home. I wanted to take my time but unless I had a death wish this was the alternative. Finally reaching my house I sighed.

Nervously I opened the door to my house and walked in. I tried to get to my room without making any noise. I said tried. "Make me some food." I nodded and started making his food. I was anxious about his reaction to the meal I was preparing. With Uncle Gabe, everything I did was like walking around eggshells or a bomb.

I went to the fully stocked fridge silently thanking Hannah our helper.
She usually came to clean on Wednesday and restock the fridge.

Gabe thought she would be a good witness to testify against me if I ever pulled something off.

As much as I hate admiting it, Uncle Gabe can be cunning when needed. Bruises sometimes aren't enough to put the abuser away. Trust me I've been tempted to call social services. It's not worth the trouble though. Shaking my head and clearing my thoughts I grabbed a few items to make some kabobs. It was simple to make a didn't require to much items. Even though Hannah restocked the fridge once a week didn't mean recourses lasted.

I always needed to make sure to conserve food for days like this.
I began to grill some meat and cut vegetables. Since Uncle Gabe wasn't as drunk today he was extra picky. I looked outside of the kitchen to see him on his phone.

"Richard I fucking swear you better get me that money's before Friday or your family will be ones to suffer!"

Not wanting to get caught eavesdropping I hurried back into he kitchen and sighed. Uncle Gabe was in the drug dealing business and was constantly getting in trouble. However most of his users were on the local task force so he got off easy.

Him being all buddy buddy with the local police men was another reason I couldn't go reporting him. I rolled my eyes and picked up my sleeves returning to the pantry to get some materials.

After I cleaned the vegetables and started the kettle, I grabbed some plates and started cleaning. Later I began to plate his food as he got off the phone and ended his call.

I glanced nervously at the plate of food I was about to serve him. He always needed some vegetables and tea. It was a weird combination but easy to incorporate on meals.

I put a tea bag in a cup of hot water and checked the meat. I made sure to make it medium rare.

I looked at Uncle Gabe lazily flickering through channels. I immediately grabbed a piece of meat to secretly try. I didn't want to over or under cook the meat I've learned my lesson. Subtly I chewed the piece of meat after facing away from him. He hated me eating the food claiming he paid to much to waste it on me.

I finally put the vegetables and pieces of meat on the stick. I cleared my voice knowing he hated when I stammered or stuttered.

"Spencer your fo-od i-ss ready." I then headed (more like ran out) outside to the lawn. He didn't chase after me or hit me for stuttering.
I sighed happy to escape him for now.

He was actually in what I considered a good mood today. On the bad days he would have followed me out. Thank god today wasn't one of them.

I sat on a lawn chair trying to be relaxed. I liked to hang out in the backyard. He would never hurt me out here. He never even stepped out here. It was a sanctuary. My only sanctuary.

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