The three words

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I just stayed there kissing Liam. I'm glad i didn't move because i knew if i did then that would have messed things up. His lips tasted like peppermint and they felt soft, i couldn't ask for more. 

Finally he drove me home and my heart started racing at the thought of Richard still being awake but the thought faded way when Liam leaned in for a kiss and i kissed his soft lips again.

I walked in the house, once again frightened but i found relief when i heard his loud snores. I heard Niall  singing gently about how he loves food and i wanted to know what i had missed when i was gone because he was so relieved, i could hear in the way he sang. I opened the door slightly making Niall turn and frown.

"Where were you, you had me worried sick it's almost 12:00 ", Niall said with a concerned angry look on his little face. 

"I was wi..w.", i tried doubting whether or not i should say who i was with.

"That isn't a reasonable explanation", Niall said serious. 

Why was he trying to be serious all of a sudden, that's my job. 

"I was with Liam', i said hoping he wouldn't assume anything.

"That's odd, you were ignoring him today at school, and you got jealous when he hugged Harry", Niall said trying to put the pieces together. 


I could see Zayn getting stiff and he didn't want to tell me anything, he would when he's ready. To get Zayn's mind off my response i told him something i probably sholdn't have.

"Zayn, i was waiting for you to get home so i could tell you this", i said excitedly. 

"Wha..what is it".

"Me and Harry are going out", i said with a smirk.

"That's amazing, congrats brother", Zayn said happy.

What was Zayn hiding, he's usually protective over who i date. Maybe because he knew Harry wouldn't hurt me, i mean that's his best friend.

"Tell me how you two became a thing", Zayn said sitting off the edge of the bed.


Text message 

-Harry <3

I doubt you feel the same, but i've been hiding this from you and i can't hold it in no more. I LOVE YOU.

My heart nearly dropped. I thought this only happened in soppy love stories.


Harry, you just made my night and i can't possibly tell you how long i've had these feelings for you too.


Will you be my boyfriend. I promise you i will ask you out better tomorrow but i cant go another night knowing your just my friend.


Yes, a million times yes <3 i love you Harry. 

End flashback *

I told my story to Zayn and we talked about it. I was happy because he supports me 100% and he would always tell me throughout the night while we were talking. I couldn't ask for a better brother.

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