❤️ That special day ❤️

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It was a Thursday and school had finished I walked out of the school and instead of walking home I had to walk to my mums work witch wasn't that far and I had to walk past the milk bar and guess what of corse Joel had to be there like y when I have to walk past he has to be there and to make it worse he was with all his friends. So I kept walking and I walked right past him I was halfway down the street and he walked all the way up to me and walked me all the way to my mums work. I got to the gate and I told him to come in and he said that he didn't want to because he knows all the people here and that he didn't want my mum to think that we were dating so I said that. that was a good enough reason and as soon as I walked in the gate he went off.
I went inside the kitchen ( were my mum works) and she was like who walked u here I said Joel why?? She just said I was curious I could here u talking and I didn't know who u were talking to and I said nar it was just Joel mum said that's so sweet.

Joel sent my mum a friend request on Facebook and my mum turned around and asked what Joel's last name was I said 'Connor' y and she said because he sent me a friend request I said yeah I know he told me 😂😂. That night when I got home I had made dinner and sat in my room eating It and Joel called me and we were talking for like a hour. Joel had sent my mum a message on Facebook and asked my mum if he had permission to date me my mum said yes as long as she agrees and he said thanks so much and she said your welcome. then why we were still on the phone he sent me a picture on snapchat and he said "will u go out with me" at first I didn't know what to say I was smiling and stuff then I sent back ok and he said so wait is that a yes and I said yeah and he was like ok.
He wrote back to me I LUV U and I said for the first time that he had ever said that I luv u too and we were talking until like 3 in the morning even tho I had school the next day I think I went to sleep with a smile on my face this was the happiest I had ever been in ages.
I woke up the next day and it was a Friday and I was like the happiest person in the world and today I actually got out of bed because I actually wanted to go to school today! So I got ready like any other day and I was off I walked to school again that day and after like 15 minutes my friends finally decided to actually come to school. I walked all the way out the front gate and when we all gathered in front of the crossing and we walked back into school and when I got closer to my class Joel was at the basketball court with all his friends like simmo ( pedo panda ), Connor ( man whore ), jacko ( fat duck) and all the other but there are to many to say.
The bell rang and we when inside I sat on the floor and Joel sat across from me at the other end of the the room and whispered "I LUV U" and I nodded my head and said the same thing back to him. It was hard not to look at him when he kept looking at me.

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