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By the time the show ended the rain had stopped.
The rainbow reached across the sky and seemed so grab the tent.
The sun came out and washed the whole town in enchanting light. Puddles littered the ground.
The tent's customers walked out satisfied at the exciting new display they just witnessed. Pacifica was one of them.
'That was so much fun!' From this thought she began to squeal.
When the twins saw that most of the people were gone they went outside too and went in their limo to go home.

Though home never did feel like home at all.


Pacifica saw them drive away.

After the show she decided to go celebrate on all of her favorite chocolates and sweet from the candy store. Revatity Falls never did have very good chocolate but it was the only candy store in town.

She chose all her favorites and passed it to the cashier and took out some money.

Some money. She didn't have enough.. so she had to put back everything and could only buy one...


She ended up just leaving the shop without buying anything.


As soon as they got home they were ordered by that bastard of a Grunkle to go to their rooms immediately. Like always.

What did they do when they got up there?

Well they practiced magic and was forced to study the script for the next show. It was like a clockwork prison.

During this time servants were told to ignore them. It was the perfect time to sneak out. So thats what they did.

Their mansion was isolated on the very outskirts of town, there was nothing but trees for miles. It was perfect, if they snuck out now, no one could find them.

Last time they snuck out Mabel got stuck in the window, wasn't because of her weight or anything, it was her outfit. And you guessed it. The slut stage outfit. Also a camera caught her eventually because she took so long to come down.

Mabel told Dipper to just go without her but he refused so they ended up just staying inside.

'Why the HELL do they need cameras for?! What audacious paranoid idiots!' he thought afterwards.

Mabel was taken away to Grunkle Stan's room and was probably beaten.. or worse. After that though she refused to sneak out ever again.

Dipper decided to go out today because he hadn't done it in 3 months. So out he went.

Dipper easily slid out the window, fell gracefully on a tree and just slipped down from there.

He knew his way to town from his window so he started walking. Eventually he did reach town.



Pacifica had been walking around town mindlessly and was actually kind of lost. Of course she would ask for directions but everyone was at home, in bed. Enjoying the warmth of their houses. Leaving her all alone on the streets.

'Omg, Dad is going to be so mad at me..'  From this she frowned.

Why had she even stayed out this late? Her Dad is probably never letting her outside again after this.

Thats when she saw a figure walking toward her, she hid behind a bush. The figure had saw her though and was going to investigate. This only made Pacifica more terrified.

'He could be a axe murderer.. or a kidnapper, or a.. or a.. rapist' Her thoughts went wild with worry.

If only she knew that it was just a 14yr old boy.

Dipper pushed the bush aside, ready to attack, but it turned out it was just a girl.

A really pretty one. In fact she even looked familiar. The look of terror was painted all over her face.

They looked at each other for a moment, slowly relief passed over Pacifica's face and Dipper's face just became emotionless again. Starring contest over.

She got on her feet, without the help of Dipper (rude), and this is how their conversation went:

"..Who are you?" he asked in a bored tone.

"Im Pacifica Pines! :) I stay here for the summer." she replied.

'That smile..' he thought. Yeah it was familiar. That blonde he was trying to freak out at the show.

He rolled his eyes. Making it as obvious as possible.

'Umm.. okay..' was her reaction to how.. rude he was being.

"But uhh.. what are you doing out here at night?" she asked.

"Thats what I should be asking, and I can take care of myself." at this point he was very annoyed.

"Okay.." she frowned "Bye then.."

She walked away, looked back, but just kept on walking.

'He looks so creepy standing under the street light like that..Oh my gosh! I need to ask him for directions!' She just remembered.

She ran back and tried to catch up with him he was about to go out of sight until Pacifica grabbed his wrist.

"Hey, wait!" she yelled.

Dipper pulled his hand away before he could start blushing or something. Nobody ever touched him, it was just weird, and everyone in town was to scared of him.

"What do you want?!" He sounded angry but also slightly embarrassed, it was funny.

"Well.." Pacifica had to catch her breath,"I need directions out of here, to my house."

Should he help her? Making someone have to sleep outside in the cold sounded hilarious to him. But he wouldn't be there to watch anyway, he'd have to go home soon before Grunkle checked his room.

"...Where do you live?" he muttered.

"I live on 6th Street at a big red house." she told him.

There was only one neighbor hood on 6th Street, very few houses, probably not even 7 houses on one street.

"Okay.." screw it.

So they started walking.



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