The Thought Walk

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'She talks.. so.. very.. much..' he thought slightly irritated, slightly amused.

Pacifica had been talking about something (Dipper wasn't really paying attention) for about 8 minutes. Dipper wasn't really talking though so Pacifica had to take the role all on her own, If she didn't, it would be awkward silence.

"What do you do at home?" she asked him.

How was he suppose to answer that? "Oh I practice evil magic and kill sacrifices!" Ya, no.

"Uhh.. I.."

This was the first time Pacifica has ever seen him flustered, hesitant, or anything of the sort.


As he was thinking of a lie to tell her a light shown in front of them, he looked behind them and saw a motorcycle headlight coming toward them.

He pushed them out of the way and into the bushes. When he tried to get up he kneed something soft. Yeah... the ground doesn't usually feel like that.

Of course if you were to push someone out of the way in the manner Dipper did this is usually the position you will end up in. Its called straddling.

He looked down..

Processed the situation...

Pacifica woke up in the middle of his processing.

He immediately pushed himself off of her, caught his breath and looked around. His face was burning.

"What the.. what was that for..?" she scratched her head, which was probably pounding from hitting the ground so hard.

'She not commenting on the.. okay.. maybe she didn't fully wake up.'

"Whatever, come on lets go." he ordered her. Stiiilll, wasn't helping her up off the ground.


Nothing really changed of course since Pacifica wasn't a witness to the straddling, only thing was Dipper was a witness and he was quieter then usual. (If you can believe it)

Eventually they made it to 6th Street and Pacifica spotted her house and went home.

'What is with that girl...' was the only thing he could think as he walked home. Thankfully he knew a short-cut from 6th Street to his mansion.


The Next Morning


Dipper sat in bed and starred at the ceiling.

His thoughts were surrounding the next show's magic act, Pacifica, that bastard Grunkle, and his just really fucked up life.

Wait was Pacifica in there. Oh yeah, there she is.

He himself wasn't even sure why he was thinking of her so much. She was really weird though.

Reasons? Reasons:

-She always wore sweaters no matter how hot it is

-Her sweaters has some pretty corny designs

-She's obsessed with cats for some reason

-She is always overly bubbly

-She was like a giant light in general that was so bright that it hurt to look at her

-She's the weirdest, prettiest, girl he's probably ever actually spent time with without her throwing herself at him.

Her appearance and her personality is all he knew about her. He didn't know about her family, past, or anything. All he knew probably from that category was that she stays in the town for the summer.

"Brother, why are you so depressed?" Mabel asked as she entered the room.

"I am not depressed." he answered.

"Then what is wrong with you..? Not that I really care though." she told him as she studied her nails. Still perfect as ever, she gets them done almost everyday.

"If you don't care then get out of my room."

"Cant, Im looking for something."

"Nothing you may want is in my room."

"Yes actually Im looking for the journal your hiding in here from me."

'She shouldn't know about that.'

"Yes dear brother, I know everything." she said as she grinned and began to crouch to look under his bed and in his bookshelves.

'Theres no way she can read my mind. A person with a amulet can not read the mind of another amulet wielder.'

'Wait.. why are her eyes yellow...?'

"Bill! Get out of Mabel's body NOW!" Dipper yelled.
Dipper couldn't care less about Mabel really, he just really didn't want Bill in his room.

Dipper grabbed his amulet and his eyes turned a bright blue in seconds. There was fire behind his eyes. Bill began screeching with pain. His insides were being burned and ripped apart. Not Mabel's physical insides of course but Bill's soul.

Mabel fell to the floor and slowly got up.


"Why did you let him?! Don't you have any sense?" he yelled at her.

"Shut up! I was sleeping you asshole!" And with that she stormed out of the room.

'I hate mornings..' He sighed as  he got up to get ready for the sickening day ahead.
He was just hoping that Bill wouldn't come back because that would ruin everything.
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I tried.
Btw these chapters come out just whenever.
If you want a story that is published on a schedule by me then check out my Other book called:
Going Through the Motions||Starco/Star X Marco
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