The Almost Crime

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It's been almost a week since Pacifica had seen Dipper.
I don't think she had the nerve to sneak into another show, but something incredible was coming up.
The Gleeful twins' birthday. One of the biggest events of the year. Only the best of the best got in, and even if you weren't rich, but you were close to someone in the Gleeful Mansion you could get in.
Pacifica wasn't really close to Dipper and he only helped her that one time, so she didn't really expect anything.
But she couldn't deny the tiny ball of hope she had in her heart. She'd never been to a party before in her life.
Somehow her father didn't even notice that Pacifica had been almost 2 hours late to get home last week and didn't punish her at all. It's almost as if nothing happened.
As she walked out of the house to go find something interesting to do with her life, she bounced down the steps but stopped. And looked at the kitchen table.
There were empty wine bottles everywhere and even some beer cans in the living room. She hadn't realized till now just how much the divorce had hurt her father, it was pathetic, but instead of thinking of how pathetic it was she got depressed. It just ruined her whole day, to see your dad like that, broken.
But still she slowly just continued outside, she didn't want to look at it anymore.
'Where is my dad now?' She asked herself. But she wouldn't even know what to say if she did find him.
That he had to get his life together? That he needs to move on, find another woman? She had no right to tell him that, so she went to town.
As she walked toward the Tent of Telepathy and the Candy Store, Pacifica saw Dipper handing a handful of girls invitations. Most likely to the party coming up, it was in 3 days.
And yes I mean a handful because he was only giving it to like 6 people. But Pacifica just ignored them, Dipper only did ever hang out with girls.
'I bet he thinks every girl around him likes him or something' she told herself as she walked into the Candy Store with money.
But Dipper saw her out of the corner of his eye, I mean the Candy Store was right across from the Tent beside the Flower Shop. So he waited. Waited for her to come out and ask for a invitation.
But she didn't, which was kind of surprising, because everyone wanted to go to their party. And I mean everyone, even McGucket. And that dude was really... Wacko.
So Dipper went home that day and did the usual, except they were granted 1 hour of free time, which was more then the worth of a trillion pure diamonds to them, it was something they never had.

3 Days Later

Wow, did the time really come that fast? Hm, guess it did.
Well yesterday Pacifica had bought a beautiful outfit (Look at the heading photo) because she came up with the idea of just crashing the party IF IT WASNT IN THE NAME OF EPICNESS!!!! She told herself dramatically. For by this time she still hadn't received an invitation. And she wasn't giving in like all the other girls in town following Dipper around like a bunch of lost puppies, practically begging for a invitation. And she could of sworn when she walked out of the clothing store with her new outfit yesterday, Dipper glanced at her and his eyes said 'I dare you..'.
It was very intimidating. But Pacifica just put her nose to the sky and continued walking.
Today was the day. But don't worry, Pacifica wasn't going to do anything serious and draw attention to herself, she was literally just going to try and get in and blend in as much as possible. Maybe not even do anything, just sit around at a random table and just be filled with the pride of actually going to a real party for the first time ever. Yeah, she told herself, thats what I'll do.
It's 6:00.
The time of the party.
Everything is about to go down. (WE'RE YELLING TIMBER! No? Oh okay I'm sorry I'll go now)
So Pacifica got ready. When she was done she smiled at herself in the mirror, she'd never seen herself like that before, she was so used to the warmth of her many sweaters. She almost felt bare.
And so she walked down the steps, almost tripping on her high heels, and reached the door.
But there was one problem. How the hell was she supposed to actually get to the party.
'FUCK IT! I'm walking!' Yeah, try to stay determined Pacifica.
If only she had a fairy godmother and a perfect pumpkin farm in the backyard.
But no.. This is real life.
So walked she did.
Well, until she reached town of course. She got a cab and fixed her hair and lip gloss during the ride, by the time she reached the mansion it looked like she hadn't even walked an inch.
As they reached the gates it looked like a castle. And there was a fountain in the middle of the driveway, it was beautiful.
'Some people are born so lucky..' She thought at she pressed her hands against the glass to get a better look. The taxi came to a stop and she stepped out. Now that she thought about it, how was she suppose to get home? She might as well just walk. Oh well.
When she got to the grand front door she was stopped by a very tall old man. His face was carved with a frown that could darken anyone's day and was wearing a tight butler outfit.
"..Name please..?" He asked in a bored English accent.
'What was the name of one of those desperate girls yesterday..? Umm was it.. Candace? Or Kennedy? DARN IT! I forgot..!' She now wishes she had paid attention. So she gave him her name. #Yolo
"...Sorry but that name is not on the VIP list, I must ask you to leave Ms..Pines.."
"Sir.. I..Uh.." 'COME ON PACIFICA THINK', "was given a invitation by.. Dipper Gleeful. YEAH! I was given an invitation by him!" She said almost as if she just remembered.
"Okay then.. Well I must ask him to confirm.. I will be right back Ms.." He told her as he walked away.
He didn't take long at all, and soon Dipper was standing there gawking at Pacifica as if she just did something incredible. His face looked like this: 😳 But let's just ignore that for now.
"Did you invite this Lady to your party Master Dipper..?" The scary man asked him.
Dipper had to think about it for a moment. No, no he didn't. She didn't ask for a invitation so she didn't get one. He expected her to be almost as desperate as all the other girls. But I guess his prediction that she doesn't throw herself at people were correct.
".....Yes." He lied.
'Why did he just lie for me?' She asked.
"Well then my apologies Ms. Pines I am very sorry." The scary man said in a dark tone as he bowed.
Pacifica felt uncomfortable now. "Umm, it's okay, really." She told him.
"Yes..yes.. Next please!" He yelled. You wouldn't expect a man like that to be able to yell.
And so Dipper just went back inside. Pacifica soon caught up though.
"Why did you lie for me?"
Dipper looked down to answer her, and being almost a whole four inches taller then her.. Well he could she her chest.
'Why do these kind of things keep happening..? 😓'
"Because your not annoying.." He answered as he walked away shrugging her off.
He went to go sit down with a group of his friends.
"Wow who's that?" One of them asked.
Dipper didn't answer them though. He was tired of talking to and about Pacifica. She made him feel cheesy. It wasn't love, he knew that for sure, it was probably just the embarrassment from all those inappropriate moments they have,
like with that drunk motorcycle driver and what happened just minutes ago. And just how pretty she is.
Especially tonight.
The night went on normally though after that. They didn't do anything together if that's what your thinking, not even during the slow dance. With all the girls asking Dipper, he decided against dancing at all. A few guys had even asked Pacifica, but she declined. I'm not sure why though, I mean one of them was HOT.
Nothing happened until the present giving. And for Dipper there was two of them.
The first Gift giving ceremony Dipper had was with everyone. Everyone gave him something incredible, but he already had one of everything. That's one problem with being rich, it's so hard to ask for a present for your birthday or Christmas because you already have everything. Pacifica, and a few other people didn't give him anything though. He didn't really care. They probably would have given him something lame anyways.
The party was over and everyone went home.
But what about the second gift giving ceremony? Oh, this one was very special. 😉
That night when Dipper went to his room after the long day he almost tripped over something in the doorway.
When he looked down to see what it was, it was a large box. It looked like one of those cheap shoeboxes. On it was a note and it read:
Hey dipper! This is Pacifica, I had to sneak this up here. My stealth skills are amazing! Happy Birthday! I didn't want to give it to you during the ceremony because that would be lame. Also this is a thank you present for helping me get home, cause that would have sucked if I had to sleep outside! Anyway, see ya later 😊 ~Pacifica
He opened a box to find a turquoise sweater the color of his amulet with a adorable cat that meowed "Purrfect" on the front.
Dipper laughed. A really warm laugh that felt so amazing and new. He loved it. All of it, the sweater included.
But he couldn't keep it. So he snuck out that night to give it back to her and tell her that he didn't need such a silly present, that they shouldn't talk to each other anymore, and that she shouldn't be snooping around his house like that ever again. He decided to do it in the dead of night so that no one will see them together.
When Pacifica got home that night she was exhausted. But for the first time in almost 4 days her father was at home sitting in the kitchen. He looked filthy, and drunken to the core.
"Hey.. Honey.. Where ya goin?" He told her with alcoholic grin on his face.
'Uhh.. I don't like this..' So she ignored him and went upstairs, she told herself that she should probably lock her bedroom door too but...
Before she could reach the 4th step she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder and in seconds was pushed against the wall with a powerful, painful force.
"I said.. Where are you going?!"
His breath stunk with alcohol and his hand was starting to rub her arms.
She knew reached behind her for anything sharp on the wall to get him off her.
"Ever since you came here.." His voice slithered in places,"You've been gone and you always disappear.. You know I miss you right..?" He told her with a clumsy smile on his face. He slithered his hand around her waist.
"What do you fucking mean?! I haven't seen you in almost 4 da-!"
He slapped her. Hard.
"Don't talk back to me little girl!"
By now his free hand was riding up her thigh and was pulling her dress up with it.
"You look so.. Pretty.." He cupped her face. Now he was trying to pull the whole dress off her.
For this whole time she been kicking and fighting and even attempting to bite him, but it was so difficult. He was so much stronger then her, and she was fully trapped against the wall.
That's when he started kissing her, and her bra was exposed so he was fondling it.
He started unzipping her pants.
'Please.. Someone help me..!'
By this time Dipper had finally reached the house and was ready to tell her to stay away from him. If his Grunkle found out he became friends with someone and it wasn't over money he would be in huge trouble.
"You keep you fan girls at a distance." He always told him. She didn't act like a fangirl at all though.
But that's when he heard the faint screams and struggling coming from inside.
'What the hell?!'
He thought about knocking but.. If something serious is going on he could endanger everyone inside.
'Wait why do I care what happens to the people inside?' He asked himself.
'Ya but Pacifica is inside..' Said a voice in the back of his head, this thought made him turn into a tomato but when he turned the nob it was open. Why was it open?
And so he went inside..
The scene that was being played out before him was horrifying. This huge man was standing over Pacifica and was forcing himself upon her, she was half naked, but he reacted immediately and used his amulet to throw the huge man to the opposite wall. Pacifica slid to the floor and began sobbing. He started burning him and burn scars were starting to become evident on the stranger's skin.
When Pacifica realized that Dipper himself was hurting her father she grabbed his shoulder.
"Dipper.. Stop.." She said quietly.
"But he hurt you!" He sounded outraged.
Her father was slowly dying.
"He's my dad, please.. Stop!"
When he heard that he looked at her for a moment, and stopped.
His eyes turned brown again, and his face went downcast.
He stared at the floor for a while, but the father had been knocked out. They both knew he would wake up soon.
Pacifica slowly went upstairs with new intentions of packing her bags and leaving. She didn't really know where she was going, but anywhere but here.
Dipper went upstairs and knocked on the door.
"..Why?" He asked her.
She slammed open the door and said bluntly,"He was drunk."
She walked out the house with her bag in hand and looked at the moon. It was a full moon. How odd. And she just continued walking. Dipper catches up with her and didn't say anything until they'd finished walking about 3/4 of a mile.
"You can stay at my place if you want.." He told her.
"No.. I think I'll just stay at the hotel or something.." she whispered.
"I'm a burden."
"No your not, and why would you rather stay in a hotel, the ones here are awful. We have tons of guest rooms that are never used."
"What was the real reason for you lying for me at the party? How did you know to come? And why are even helping me?" She was overwhelmed with confusion, and anger. She just didn't know where to put that anger, that wasn't her father.
"..Because of this.." He looked away blushing as he took out the sweater,"And thank you for the gift.."
Suddenly she smirked and elbowed him, despite everything that just happened.
"Yeah. And you better wear it.😏"
'Her. Smiling at a time like this. This girl is amazing'
"No, not happening." He told her.
And that's when she laughed.
"So, how do you want to repaid for saving me this time?" She asked him.
"Nothing, just a 'thank you'"
"Well then thank you, thank you very much."
He ended up keeping the sweater.
This girl is truly rare.
Truthfully it hurt to write this.
It took me about 4 hours.
Goddamn Dipper's reaction was hard to predict.
I felt almost sick writing that scene with the whole..
You know..
I was thinking of making it more graphic but I couldn't bring myself to it.
And damn this chapter was long.
HOLY COW! 2732 words!
Thanks for reading. 2737

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