You steel yourself
against their numb, dumb faces,
well-intended questions,
as you take on the guise of who
they think you are;
pinning the old,
uncomfortable smile to your lips
to keep theirs shut ---
a safety pin, you latch the end
and get to work
setting the tables,
arranging plates & silverware,
forks and knives
All the sharp, dangerous implements
you invite them to cut you with
because you know
they'll do it anyway.
So give the customer what he wants
in hopes he will get full sooner
and leave.
It's frightening
how you function ---
going about like something
mechanical, hot off the assembly
line. Your veins
aren't veins, but
red and blue electrical wires
run on caffeine, sugar, blood
and little sleep.
Nobody sees
the blue flames
licking your heels,
all has to be just-so, just-so
So, finally you get good
at chewing the fat.
You laugh at all their tasteless
jokes that are not funny,
while inside
you crouch and nurse your wounds.
They eat, get drunk, and are merry.
But you count tears, not blessings,
and life is a holiday
you'd much rather not celebrate.
Still, smile, until your mouth hurts.
Laugh, until your side splits.
Only in solitude,
when the dirty plates are stacked
in the sink; when
the company's gone home,
and your bedroom door is closed and locked ---
Then, and only then
can you peel off
the pinching shoes, let down
hair pinned tightly
at the nape of your neck,
allow the bloodied bandages
to fall to the floor ---
let your mascara melt ---
unravel, slowly, and become
pink and soft again,
just vulnerable enough
to be yourself again.
Landscapes of the Mind - Poems
Poetry❝ ... abyss without color or stars, black hole we know not of until we are confronted by it. ❞ Poems of life, love, and mental illness not-so-loosely based on experience. ❋ ❋ ❋ © Copyright 2015-2017, by April Nicole Jones.