Chapter 4:Jayanna

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It's nine months and Dimitri was at the castle keeping an eye on Bethann. Axel, Demyx, and Bethann had discussed that they had wanted a DNA test done on the child to figure out who the father is with Dimitri. A few weeks of Dimitri being there, Bethann had the was a girl and she named her Jayanna. The DNA test came back as Axel being the father, which was a relief to Bethann, but not to Axel. A few hours after Jayanna was born and the DNA testing, Bethann died which left Axel and Demyx to care for the child. It was now a few weeks after Jayanna's birth, Axel and Demyx had gotten into the routine of getting up in the middle of the night and taking care of the child. It was the start of the fourth week when a soft knock sounded on the door early in the morning; Demyx got up and trudged over to the door sleepily. He opened the door and found that Lexaeus was at the door...wide-awake.

"Hi, Dem."

"Hi, Lex." Demyx mumbled.

"Did I wake you?"

"What does it look like? Jayanna kept me up half the night and Axel hardly hears her sometimes."

" that must be tough."

"It is...what do you want?"

"We were cleaning up breakfast, I came down wondering if you guys want us to save you two anything."

", I'm not hungry right now. But it would be nice if you did save some, Jayanna and Axel will be up..."

Demyx was interrupted with Jayanna crying. Demyx sighed and went over to her. The first thing he did was to check her diaper...yap that was the problem. When he was done with changing it he threw the diaper away and placed her in her crib then went to wash his hands. Then he came back to the door.

"Sorry about that."

"'s fine. You obviously have your hands full at the moment, I'll tell them to save some food for you two."

"Thank you so much."

"Your welcome."

At five years old Jayanna had gotten Bethann's room. At the age of eight, she was accustomed to everyone around her. Now at the age of fourteen, she can't wait to go on her first mission with her dad and Demyx.

"Not this time, Jay, this mission is only a two person mission." Axel told her. 'Jay' was her abbreviated name, when Axel wants her to know that she wasn't in trouble but to understand that it is only for him and Demyx.

"Come on, Dad, please." She whined.

"No...and don't even think about going to Demyx and asking him. This mission is way too dangerous for you. When we get a mission for three, you could come."


"Jayanna, there are no 'but's about this mission. What I said is final, you are not coming on this mission with us."

"Fine...just be careful okay. I don't want to see either of you getting hurt." Jayanna only says this when she knows she lost the argument over missions.

"Sweetheart, I can't promise that. But I will promise that we will be back...besides today is your day, I don't want to be late for it." Axel kissed her on the head then left the kitchen to find Demyx.

Demyx was in his room packing things for the mission, when Axel came in.

"How she take it?"

"The same way she took all the other missions."

"Am I going to get a visit from her about this?"

"I sure hope not, I told her not to. Besides I don't want to spoil the surprise for her tonight."

The Demyx Continuum: Fiery Water (Book 3of 5?)Where stories live. Discover now