Chapter 14: The Wedding and Honeymoon

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 A month went by fast for Axel and Demyx, and it was already the day of their wedding. Both of them were getting nervous, but Demyx was more so than Axel. They had invited a few more people than just the organization, but it was still a small wedding like Demyx had wanted. Zexion was in the room with Demyx trying to calm his nerves.

"Zexion, I don't think I could do this."

"Dem, for the umpteenth time you will be just fine...Axel is at the end of the aisle waiting for you. If you run away now, what do you think he'll think about this?"

This seemed to get Demyx's attention, because all of the nervousness that Demyx was portraying had stopped.

"You're right. I need to be strong, for Axel...he's just as nervous as I am. If I back out of this now, he may feel like this day should've been delayed a few more years."

" it's almost your time to go out there, do you want me to go out first?"

"Zexion, you have're my man of honor."

"Do you know who Axel's best man is?"

"No...he never told me and his best man did show at the rehearsal yesterday."

"It is Lexaeus...he wasn't here yesterday, because he out on a mission since he forgot to tell Xigbar that he was part of the wedding."

"It's your turn, Zexion...see you out there."

"Remember to come out when you hear that one song...and don't run off."

"I won't, I promise." Demyx got up and saw Zexion to the door. Before he closed it all the way, he saw how many people were there then he saw Axel way down the aisle; like Zexion had said Axel was.

Shortly after Zexion made it down to the end of the aisle, the music that he was waiting for started up. He swallowed and took a deep breath as he opened the door all the way and headed down the aisle. Whenever he felt his mind slip into nervousness, he focused on Axel. It seemed long, but he had finally made it up to Axel. Then they together walked up to the man who was going to marry them.

It seemed to go by fast after that, Axel had slipped the wedding ring on Demyx's finger. Then Demyx recited his portion of his vows and slipped another wedding ring on Axel's finger.

"I know pronounce you Axel and may kiss." The man said finishing up the ceremony.

At the reception there was only Axel, Demyx, Zexion, and Lexaeus at the head table. Axel and Demyx being in the middle, Zexion leaned over to Demyx.

"That wasn't so bad now was it?" He asked.

Demyx laughed. "No. it wasn't...thank you for helping me relax."

"No problem. Thank you for not running away."

Demyx sighed. "The worse part of it is over."

Demyx placed his hand in his pocket and fiddled around in there until he found his engagement ring. Then he took off his necklace with his commitment ring and added his engagement ring to it. Then he replaced the necklace back onto his neck.

After they had desert, Axel went over to the stereo with Lexaeus.

"Lex when I give you the hand motion, press play. It's already on the song I want to play."

"All right...hey, Ax..."



"Thank you." Axel said as he walked away.

Axel went over to his love. "May I have this dance?"

"Always..." Demyx got up from his chair and took the hand that was waiting to be taken.

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