Chapter 15: Cloud and Sephiroth

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"So you are saying that Cloud doesn't want to fight Sephiroth. But Sephiroth won't let him stop?" Demyx asked Leon; when Leon was done telling them about Cloud.

Leon, Demyx, Axel, and Aerith were all in a hotel room which was right next door to where Demyx and Axel were staying.

"Yes...that is exactly the problem. I don't know what Sephiroth thinks he is up to or what he is gaining by fighting Cloud. But whatever it is it must be very serious to him."

Demyx yawned. "All right. Here is what we are going to do. It's getting late, so we'll talk to Cloud and Sephiroth tomorrow. After we find out what the cause is behind their feud, we'll come and tell you. If we find something in common with what the two say then that is most likely their main reason why they are fighting. And if it turns into a fight, we will either stay to fight or retreat before the fight begins."

"You won't be able to get to both of them and talk to them both within the same day."

"Yes we will...we'll talk to Cloud first, however we will not say that you are giving him help."

"What will we say then, Dem?" Axel asked puzzled.

"We'll say 'your friend Leon had mentioned you to us and we were wondering who you are.' If that doesn't work then we'll tell him that you sent us to help him with his feud between Sephiroth and him."

"Dem, you had this planned out all ready didn't you?"

"Yes." Demyx answered. "Once we heard what Cloud has to say, we tell him that we'll talk to Sephiroth if he lets us...and hear what he says. If it turns into a fight then...we'll either stay to fight or run." He replied. "So...Leon, what do you think?" He added.

"Besides running off from a fight, it sounds like a plan to put into action." Leon answered.

"Good. Come on, Axel, let's go to bed." Demyx replied to Axel.

Axel yawned, a big yawn, behind his hand. "Finally, let's go...Good night." Axel said after he was finished with his yawn.

Demyx and Axel got up from the chairs that they were sitting on and went to the door that connected the two rooms together. Before they entered their room, Demyx turned around and looked at Leon and Aerith.

"Good night." He said to the two of them.

"Good night." Leon and Aerith repeated at the same time.

Demyx and Axel then went into their hotel room and went to the bed.

"So that was the room where you and Mar stayed in when you two were here?"

"Yes...I didn't like being back in that room, but that is where they took us, so I didn't complain about it."

"But I saw it on your face."

"You did?"

"Yes...Dem, don't be ashamed. I know what that feels like and it's not great. I'm sorry that I had brought that up...I won't bring it up again while we stay here."

"Which won't be that long."

"What do you mean?"

"After we are done with this business, I'm ready to go home."

"But we just got here."

"I know...but a weeklong of a honeymoon, of hardly doing anything seems boring."

"Dem, I got things planed for us while we are here...and it won't be boring."

"Are they things that are only things that we'll be doing on this world or not?"

The Demyx Continuum: Fiery Water (Book 3of 5?)Where stories live. Discover now