New Life

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   Logan woke up the next morning; jaw still hurting. How can one little girl be so strong?
   "New life, I guess."
   Logan dragged herself out of bed and turned on the water to the shower. The water soon became hot and steamy. She climbed in and let the water pour onto her face. The heat stung on her jaw. She fell into a trance. Her thoughts were racing rapidly through her head. What would her new life be like? What are her options? What will she have to do?

   Suddenly the shower curtains slid open and Logan screamed. Gohan, covering his eyes with one hand and a note in the other, tried to hand her the note. He was anxious and embarrassed. His face was completely red and hot.

   "I-I have a n-n-note for you. F-f-from my mom."

   Logan was covering herself with her arms and looked Gohan up and down. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?!" She barked at him, her face filled with fury. Gohan whimpered and apologized.

   "I'm sorry, but it's u-urgent." He sputtered.

   Logan snatched the note out of his hands. He quickly turned around and ran out of the bathroom. Logan's wet hands damped the paper, but she could still read it.

   " Dear Logan, as your first duty as newbie, you must complete and 'errand' for me. Do you know your neighbor's? He hasn't paid his debt to me. Can you please retrieve the money from him? My son will be there to help. Arrivederci!"

   Logan soon came outside. Gohan was waiting, leaning on a post. He seemed to be off in space somewhere. She walked up to him and waved in his face. He blinked his eyes and smiled at her. They both walked over to the neighboring yard. Gohan looked at the good sized house. It wasn't as big as his, but it was decent. He knocked on the wooden door. Soon after, a man came out and peered from inside. He widened the door a bit.

   "How may I help you?" He said, looking paranoid.

  "100,000." Gohan said jokingly.

   At the simple mention of a number, the man's eyes widened and he slammed the door shut. Gohan looked over his shoulder and passed a quick smile to Logan. Logan smiled back, but was a bit startled over her neighbor's weird behavior.

   The man quickly returned, however, he had a shotgun with him. He aimed it directly at Gohan's head.

   "If you don't leave, I will blow your brains out, do you hear me?"

   Gohan giggled. He then pushed the man into his house, knocking him down and grabbed Logan by the hand. They both ran behind the man's pick up truck parked in the driveway. The man soon came running out, looking for the them. He began yelling and speaking insanely, not to mention vulgar. Gohan then tiptoed to the other end of the vehicle, leaving Logan, and darted to the backyard. The man shot at him but missed. The man walked around the corner of his house slowly. Logan watched him, almost holding her breath.

   The man peered around the corner but was met with a shovel straight to his skull. The man fell to the ground with a heavy thud. His blood painted the ground a crimson red. Gohan, splattered with the crimson red itself, was panting and walked back over to Logan. He grabbed her hand and led her back home.

   "Sorry you had to see that. I really did try to be patient with him."

   Logan was shaking. She looked as if she was going to vomit.

   "I'm fine. I just need to go rest."

   Logan staggered back to her house. Before she could get inside, Gohan yelled " We'll keep you safe. I promise. You can trust us."

   That put Logan's stomach slightly at ease. She looked back at him and smiled. He smiled back. Maybe Gohan wasn't so bad. Maybe her new life wasn't so bad.

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