♥︎Chapter 6♥︎

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"Ash, I..I.." I pause.

Many parts of me wanted to say yes.

Some parts of me wanted to say no... Your not ready.

"Ash, if you wanna make this work then I'll make it work." I say.

Ash leans over and kisses me.

Although when I took him somewhere private, it wasn't that private just somewhere people wasn't standing at.

"Uhh, Serena, this wasn't such a too private place for me asking you to be my yea." Ash says.

The whole cafeteria stopped and listened to our conversation.

Me and Ash started to turn red.

I see Miette, she crosses her hands and storms away.

I look at her storm away.

She saw me look at her and she pulled up the rude finger!

Man she does got problems! She really needs to stop the rude finger business.

"I think we should go sit down and yea just eat our lunch." Ash says embarrassed.

"Ring, ring, ring." The bell rings.

"Or not..." I say.

Everyone started to leave very silently.

"Uhh, Serena, everyone heard that little convo of yours." Dawn comes up and says.

"Even Miette." Misty jumps in.

"She's probably jealous." I say.

"Yea I saw her storm out." May says.

"Ugh, love so complicating." Dawn says.

"Guys! Class!" Misty yells.

"OMG! I have Poke training." I say.

"I've got maths with Misty." May shouts.

"Come on Dawn." I yell as I run to Poke class.

Me and Dawn rush to Poke class.

"Good afternoon class, today we will learn how to defend from strong attacks." The teacher says.

The room started to be loud, thinking about battling.

"Go pick a partner and start battling." The teacher says.

"Dawn! Where are you?" I say as I look for Dawn.

"Serena? Serena?" I hear Dawn say.

"Where are you?" I say.

"Go to the teacher, I'll be there." Dawn says.

I walk to the teacher and didn't see Dawn.

"Dawn?" I ask.

"Present." Dawn says.

"Let's go." I say as we walk to an empty battlefield.

"Ok Fennekin, let's show them who's boss.

"Ehh, a fire. We'll show them who's right! Come on out Pipplup!" Dawn says.

"Seriously, fire verses water. Who knows who's gonna win!" I say.

"I know pipplup will win." Dawn says.

"Brag, Brag, Brag. I'm gonna win." I say.

"Let's go bubbles!" Dawn yells.

"Ok then, use Ember!" I shout.

I looked around the area and saw Miette and Ash.

"Pipplup use bubbles again." Dawn shouts.

"Ash, thanks for being my partner." I hear Miette say from afar.

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