♥︎Chapter 12♥︎

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Suddenly I felt a nudge on my arm.

The world became smaller and darker every time I blink.

The nudge became harder and harder.

"Serena." I hear the voice of my new ex.

It was said over and over.

The nudge was becoming more into a push.

I close my eyes in the dark world.

"Serena, wake up, we're here." I hear Ash says.

My eyes woke up.

I rub my eyes and see a blurry vision of Ash and Dawn.

My vision was becoming clearer every time I blink.

"We're here, my mum is here as well." Dawn says.

"Ash?" I say confused.

"Yes?" He says.

"Do you love me?" I ask him.

"Yes." He says with enthusiasm.

I run up to him and kiss him.

"Why did you think that?" He asks me.

"Don't worry, just a dream." I reply.

I walk out the bus getting my suitcase.

"Hey Serena, Hey Dawn, how was camp?"

"Hey." I say.

"Camp was fun!" Dawn says.

"Since you guys just finished camp.... Whose up for shopping?" Dawn's mum suggested.

"MEEEEEE! OMG MEEEE!!!!" Dawn yells.

"Sure." I reply.

I head inside the car and we were taken to the mall.

"The mall, solutions live there!" Dawn says.

"Dawn... You see that?" I say pointing at a dress.

"We need the other girls." Dawn says.

"Dawn? Serena? My boss just called, we have an important interview to discuss so come home at 7?" Dawn's mum says ending her call in her phone.

"Sure." I reply.

"Ok." Dawn replies.

"We gotta call the others." I say.

"I'll call Misty, Cilon, May and Brock. You call the others." Dawn says.

"It's shopping time!" I shout. Dawn and I giggle and start to call the others.

Half an hour later, everyone arrives.

"Ready?" I ask everyone.

"YEA I MEAN WHO ISNT?" Dawn shouts.

"Yea.... About that.... Me and the boys are going to the fair next to the mall. Yea, shopping ain't our things." Ash says.

"Don't worry. It's fine." I reply.

"Ok, have fun and be safe." Ash says as he plants a kiss on my cheeks.

"Love you." I say walking to the food court.

"Ok girls, the mall. To do in the mall? The first rule is to always go to the food court. Second of all just go buy stuff." Dawn says.

"And.... Why did you think we didn't know?" Misty asks.

"Remember how I said, one day I need to take you guys shopping?" Dawn replies. (This was in chapter 2)

"Ohh yea... Wait, I was pretty sure that I was being sarcastic." May says.

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