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Simply guess the song and artist if possible

1.What if u wanted to break...

2. Attention Attention everyone! I've got a couple of things I'd like to get off of my chest!

3. My life started the day I got caught, under the covers with second hand lovers...

4. And while she looks so sad in photographs I absolutely love her when she smiles

5. Am I more than you bargained for yet?

6 . couldn't wait for the summer or the Warped Tour

7.Born a saint though with every sin I still want to be holy

8.hands up like a roller coaster this love is taking over

9. We are not your lovers we are not your friends

10. My daddy told me not to bite my tongue I hate my mama cuz she left me with no love

Sorry if some lyrics are erong, it's freaking 12:29 am, so yeah

Band Crack 2 (Brendon! Why Are You On My wattpad!?)Where stories live. Discover now