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I dedicate this chapter to  ayuuyah because she is one Amazing person<3 (:

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Ok this chapter is going to be about parents.... Yes parents! Lol 

How many of you sometimes can't stand your parents?... I'm sure many of you are raising your hands right now... (or I'm probably getting played) Lol... well I think the reason many teens our even adults get annoyed by there parents is because parents expect so much from us and if we don't do what they expect of us they'll be disappointed for example to dress in a  way that will satisfy them, to get good grades, and some might want there child to get a well paid job but you also have to remember there doing this because they care about you and want the best for you even if it gets really annoying at times...

The truth is some parents just don't get there children, they think they know what's going on in there children's life but they don't!... They don't know what's going on in school... They don't know what's going on between your friends... But I suggest  if you are a girl that you should talk to your mom because there's a big chance that your mom (when she was young) went threw the same situation  your going threw (of course it depends on the situation) she can help even if it does feel awkward at times to talk to her. If you are a boy try and talk to your dad but if you feel like you don't have that kind of bond try and get closer or just go and talk to your closest friend.

My point is parents can over do it at times and sometimes you just want to scream or shout I hate you! But no matter what they'll always be your parents and they'll always love you even if there are moments where   they don't show it. 

Ok... Now if you are a child of a divorced parents don't ever feel like it's your fault because I'm sure they love you! Just be patient because like I said before time heels pain! 

Many people think your life would be better without your parents but once you move on in your life you'll remember the little things they did for you and you'll prolly miss them! (unless you have physico parents then sorry I can't help :/ )

I can't really give you the exact words you want to hear because everyone has different parents but I hope this still helped in a way :/ 


Please vote or comment thank you so much I mean it is only a button away lol and please tell me what you want me to talk about in my next part thanks for your time :)

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