friends, rumors, and truest.

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Advice about life

First I want to thank everyone who made time to read this, it really means a lot to me (:


Today I want to talk about life, friends, rumors, and truest. You see I came across many people who just don’t seem to enjoy there life and to tell you the truth I was one of them. You might feel unwanted or maybe you might feel there is just too much people that are two face… they’ll say something nice in front of your face but behind your back they’ll talk about you, Even a close friend of yours could do that. well guess what I don’t think they deserve to be called friends. You have to stick with the people you love, you feel happy around, and of course people you truest but be careful because you can’t truest anyone. You have to make sure you know that person really well before you truest them, I know two girls that were friends since they were young girls… they loved each other so much and trusted one another but one of them went and told her friends secrets to others when they got into a simple fight; now I’m not saying don’t truest anyone…no I’m saying be careful who you truest.

Now rumors… ton, ton ,taaan (lol). Rumors can be so deadly because once there out there its so hard to take it back… let me give you an example… ok pretend you have buckets full of feathers, now throw it all out and let the feathers fly around, its so easy to do right? your having fun right? Watching all these feathers fly… well now try and pick each feather one by one and place them all back in the buckets, but by now you realized it’s not so easy to pick each and every feather up, and that’s how rumors are there so easy to spread but so hard to take back so be careful what you say and always think before you say something that might change a persons life or reputation.

Friends. I swear it’s so hard to make friends now a days right? Its like one day were best friends the next oh sorry I found a replacement. Well, not everyone is like that but I’m sure everyone goes threw friend trouble now and then but before you make any stupid mistakes know this, if you ever find the perfect friend don’t let anyone easily fool you and let you loose your friend because regret will eat you up, and don’t let anyone take away your friend but if that friend easily replaced you and moved on then he/she wasn’t really a true friend from the beginning. And last Don’t let anyone make you feel like your not beautiful enough, smart enough or just not good enough for them because no matter what they say you are wonderful and deserve the best… the most important thing in life is to believe in yourself because if you want people to see you pretty you have to see your self pretty first and if you want people to see you as a smart person then you have to see yourself as a smart person first. No matter what you want to believe or think there is always, ALWAYS a person out there that loves you and cares for you so don’t let life or people in this case fool you.


If you have any questions or if you have a specific topic you want me to talk about next please comment and tell me ill be more then glad to do so (please vote so I can know if this really helps) thank you sooo much!!!!<333333

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