Second Chances Are Part 3

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Part Three

I took the phone and ignored the way Cannon glared at me. "Rory?"

I scarcely recognized the voice on the other end of the line. It sounded raw and hoarse, painful to listen to. "Chance."

"Are you sick, Rory?" Jesus he sounded like hell. The fact that he hadn't been out getting a little revenge and I'd misjudged him didn't make me feel any better about my little interlude with Cannon. In fact it made me feel like a heel for not being concerned about him in the first place.

"No. I'm... Chance I need you to come get me, please."

"Rory, if you're sick the last thing you need is to go out. I'll tell you what, I'll bring you some soup and juice and we'll watch a movie, okay? You don't need to go out tonight."

There were rumblings and grumbling in the background and to my surprise grim faced cops stalked out the door in pairs and trios, until only the neighborhood guys were left in the bar. I covered the mouth piece and asked Gerry, "What happened?"

He shrugged, still eyeing Cannon, who had perched on my stool and gave every indication of being willing to wait all night for me to get off the phone. "Don't know. Some of them checked their phones and then they just...well, you saw."

"Hey, baby. Something is definitely up. I'll come over now."

His chuckle ended on a groan. "Fuck. Why do you have to get all soft and boyfriend on me now? I'm at the hospital. I need a ride home. Can you come and get me, please?"

Hospital? He was sicker than I thought. Still, picking him up would get me away from Cannon and I wanted away from him more than anything else right at this moment. "Sure. I'll be there in just a few, okay?"

In a broken voice, he whispered okay and the line went dead. I turned to Cannon who tried to stare me down. The challenge in his gaze felt so many times had I met that challenge whole heartedly? Too damn often. "I have to go pick Rory up. See you around."

"Want me to ride with you? We can drop him off and then go on somewhere, my place, your place." Thin lips twisted in a mockery of a smile.

"No. Look, Cannon, it was great to see you, but it's been five years. You didn't seriously expect me to be alone when you finally grew a pair and started to live, did you?" I turned to Gerry. "I'll be back well before closing. I might bring Rory back here, depends how sick he is."

"You should take him back to his place. I can close up, I promise."

His eyes were a bit moist, his tone bordered on desperate. "I'll call and let you know." I was reluctant to have him responsible for my money and my bar again, but the flush of pleasure on his cheeks indicated he really wanted me to let him do this. He had something to prove, I guess, but I'm not real fond of second chances.

"I can handle it Chance. I won't let you down. Give me a chance to prove it."

My gaze strayed to a stunned looking Cannon before I zeroed in on Gerry's pleading face. My words were for both of them though. "I don't put much faith in second chances, Gerry. Men don't change."

Tucking my cell phone in my jeans I turned my back on Cannon and Gerry, two men who'd disappointed me in very different ways. I leaned toward giving one of them a second chance...but not the one who'd ripped my heart out.


The further I got from Cannon's disruptive influence, the more tension tightened my body until a raging headache was my companion on the drive. Black and whites filled the parking lot of the hospital. The hair on the back of my neck prickled with unease as I stepped into the emergency room waiting room to find groups of cops in uniform and out scattered about, grim faced and talking in hushed voices. What the fuck?

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