Knights Out Epilogue

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The August heat was almost unbearable to all but those raised in the south. The locals always said, it wasn't the heat, it was the humidity. But Marcus knew better. It was both.

After the remains were positively identified as Nick, Gabe, whatever people knew the young man as, no one stepped forward to claim the boy and bury him. His family claimed not to have a son named Nick, and slammed the door in Benjamin's face.

Once again, his big hearted lover bought a plot and arranged for a funeral. It might be only fitting that this small corner of the cemetery was housing young men nobody wanted.

The service was set for eleven in the morning on the fifteenth. Unlike the burial for the young man named Travis, there would be other mourners than Benjamin, Wick and him. Once the news that the man known as Gabe was found dead, word spread. Small bouquets, single flowers, notes, trinkets—all sorts of things began appearing on the grave starting early that morning. Boy after boy, young men appeared, some in ragged jeans, some in suits, but all came to pay their respects.

For all that he was labeled a whore, Marcus thought, these friends told a much different tale. He heard them, one after another, telling stories about how Gabe kept this one off the streets, found that one a place to stay. How money suddenly was in a pocket, how a meal was paid for. How a kind word made a difference.

Now they were there to bury this kid. This abused, molested, misunderstood diamond in the rough.

How many? Marcus thought. How many more did he touch that we'll never know of?

There was no need to say, What could he have been given the chance? The proof of what he accomplished was right there for all to see.

Marcus needed look no further than the other side of the little mound of dirt. There, Benjamin and Jeremiah stood, their heads bowed. No one approached them. Their grief radiated off them like waves. Later, he would carry Benjamin home and put him in a shower and love him until he was purged of all the pain. He shared a glance with Zack, who nodded, and knew he and Archer would treat their lover with gentleness. Later, they too would try to replace the hurt with love.

Later, by God, later Marcus would find out who killed their friend.

***Be sure to continue to follow us for the next (and final) installment of the Chances Are series. Four more books to go before we get to the Finale of PF2014 Atlanta!

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