Wicked Bindings pt. 8

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Chapter 8

Wick hit the button on his ear piece. "Wick."

"Good afternoon." He immediately recognized the voice.

"First my email, now my personal cell number...my my my Ned, you do have your share of talents don't you?" Wick parked his car in the warehouse, grabbed his bag of groceries and climbed the stairs to his living quarters.

"Well when I keep certain company I feel the need to learn a few tricks."

Wick laughed. "So, what do I owe this honor?"

"How'd you do it? Not a single fingerprint, no hair, nothing. We have one of the best forensic teams in the nation, and yet you were nowhere to be found in that house."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about. Sorry you missed that concert a couple weeks ago, though, it was a blast. Did you see the pictures I posted on my Facebook account, I believe I friended you, right? Amazing aren't they?"

"It must be a very lonely life you live, not trusting anyone."

Wick stopped at the door, key hovering over the keyhole. "I trust a select few."

"Just not me?"

I want to... Wick snapped his head up, his lips thinning into a very tight smile. Thoughts like that would be his demise. So he focused on something less romantic. "You searched. Strike one."

He disconnected the call and unlocked his door. Maybe he'd see if Sean could swing by after work tonight, they could watch a movie or something. Was it proper etiquette to invite your fuck buddy to watch a movie?

Pushing these thoughts to the back of his head, he noticed something green on his wall that wasn't there this morning when he left. He slowly turned and realized it wasn't something green, not really, unless you count the whole back wall of his house green as something.

"What the...?" He dropped his bag on the kitchen island. On the chrome bookshelf against the newly painted wall stood a vase of multi-colored tulips and an envelope. He opened it and read the note: Wink, it's not red. Time to re-think your security system. Ned.

Wick typed the password into his phone and scrolled down to Banyu's number.

The End?

Don't be silly...this isn't the END end...just the end of this Wicked little tale. Next up...oh you guessed it, Laura Harner is bringing in the heat with two sexy ass doms and one breathtakingly sweet sub. Join us for the Triple Threat's next story...and grab a tall, cool glass of something wet, because these three men are potent.

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