Things Get Animazing

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Disclaimer Thang~ *please insert rights here* ERROR Request not processing. Basically I don't own the rights hehe


Just then Piper Grace, Leah and Josh's mom, jumped in. "Well, I believe some introductions are in order!" She was just as big an otaku as Leah, perhaps even more.

Just then a black haired boy popped in. Did he shadow travel? "Sorry, am I late?" he asked. He looked the same age as me. He had messy bluish-black hair and blue eyes. "Lemme guess," Leah said sarcastically, "you're Mest and Wendy's kid." "Yah, how did you figure that out so quickly?" he asked her. Leah passed out right there. "TAKE US THERE NOW!" Piper yelled at the boy.

Everybody huddled together and suddenly they all were standing in front of their Iris Message. Percy waved his hand through the Iris Message and it dissipated. Piper rushed to her daughter's side and knelt beside her. She leaned over and yelled, "WAKE UP!" I guess she was charmspeaking because Leah woke with a start and yelled her boyfriend's name. Carter rushed to her side. "What's wrong?" he asked in a worried tone. "N-nothing, It's nothing," she said groggily. "Well as I said before, introductions," Piper piped up. (A/N) Hehe. He. He. Puns... Yah okay. I'll shut up now...sorry

The blonde spoke first, "Hey, I'm Addie Dragneel. I'm a celestial spirit mage. That basically means I can summon celestial beings that live in an alternate dimension called the celestial spirit world. This is my weapon, the Flueve de E'toiles," she pulled out her whip and cracked it on the ground; it began to change into a long chain of water surrounded in gold the color of stars. It entwined her whip the way tinsel would on a Christmas tree. Everyone was mystified. She flung it in the direction of Carter's tools and it got longer and longer. It grabbed one of his wrenches and it shot back at her, flinging the wrench into her hand.

Carter quickly rushed over and tried to examine it, but he was stumped. He couldn't figure out her weapon, and if Carter couldn't even figure it out, then it must be very powerful.

Then the red introduced herself. "Hi, my name is Mira Fernandez," Piper and Leah both squealed when they heard her last name, "and I'm a requip mage. This basically means that I can summon my armor and weapon at will. I currently hold the second fastest requip time in Fiore next to my mother, Erza. I guess I'll show you. Requip, HEAVENS WHEEL!" There was a sudden flash of yellow light, and standing there was Mira, wearing silver angelic armor, and ten swords revolving around her body. She requipped back into her old armor.

Now it was the boy's turn. "Oh, right. Uhm, hey. My name is Kai Dryder and I'm a teleportation mage and sky dragon slayer. Do you have any training dummies around here?" In about thirty seconds Carter was back with a slightly scorched training dummy. He jumped a few feet in the air and yelled, "Wing Attack of the Sky Dragon!" The training dummy was cut in pieces and my hair shot up. He landed on the ground and bowed. "Wow, that was hot, I-I mean cool yah that was cool," I said my face turning red. Why did I say that?

The rest of the six introduced themselves, showing their powers too. Daniel even had some too. He could connect to a database of information where he could find anything and anyone. Apparently it was similar to a form of magic called Archive.

Then, it was my turn. "H-hi. My names Megan Zhang and I can turn into animals," I said, morphing into a tiger, then back. "Oh and I have magic too." I summoned some gems from the ground, swirled them around a bit, and then shot them back into the ground. I heard my dad say 'dang it' and he give my mom 10 drachma. Wonder what that was about.


"Okay, here's the deal," I said, "all worlds of anime are set on this Earth, but on a different vibrational plane. We managed to open a portal to your world to ask for your help. Every thousand years, the wall between our world and your world thins, and some of your Greek Titans have decided to cross over. They've imprisoned the most powerful members of each major guild, and trapped them somewhere in your world. We came here to find them and heard about the legendary Percy Jackson who defeated Kronos, which lead us to you. Our cards mage Cana managed to depict this prophecy and sent us here to fulfill it."

I placed a sheet of paper on the table and began to read it.

The six who are worthy shall travel far and wide

To find the accursed Cyclops Bride

Afterwards they shall travel more

But who knows what the Fates have in store

The Heroes of Olympus shall aid

Whenever the chosen ones are afraid

Their guidance shall help them through the fray

Up until one fateful day

On this day they will only have each other

And their strength shall come from one another

As I continued to read, all of their mouths got wider and wider until they couldn't open them any more. "Uhm Mira?" the blonde, I believe his name was Josh, said, "We got the exact same prophecy a few days ago. We assumed the nine in the prophecy meant a few of our friends, but now I understand it all." Just then a loud conch sounded and I requipped my steel sword, thinking it was a battle horn. "Woah, put away the pointy things please. It's just dinner," the curly haired boy informed me. "Oh, erm sorry," I said embarrassed.

"I guess it's time we go then," Jason said, "take care, kids," and Kai teleported them back. He popped in a few minutes later and said cheerfully, "So whose ready for dinner, because I know I am."

HEEEYYY end of chapter 7. Just to clear things up, I originally decided to make this a PJO/Kane crossover at chap 5 but two Carters is too confuzzling so I went with one of the most famous anime ever FAIRY TAIL!!! YAYY!! And I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my friend from camp Anna that I will never see again probs and she may never read this fic but she wasthe one that got me into anime and without her I wouldn't have updated again after chapter 5. THANK YOU ANNA ILY!!! :3 btw this is a one time thing I'm not doing chapter dedications. I just had to thank her for ruining my life and fixing it at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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