Errrmm... Nice Camp

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        Okay, my life is over the top weird. It's been three years since I found out that I was a demigod, so you'd imagine I'd be used to this. Then, there was a minotaur.

        I was having a perfectly normal day with my boyfriend, Carter, when suddenly there was a crap-ton of noise coming from Half-Blood Hill. I sprinted up the hill, clutching my mother's dagger.

        I was surprised at what I saw, and after three years at Camp, nothing surprised me. I saw a boy just standing there, staring at a minotaur, scared stiff. I snuck up behind the minotaur, and stabbed it right in the heart from behind. Then I ran over to the boy.

        Again i was surprised. The kid looked exactly like Percy Jackson, one of the most famed heroes of Camp Half-blood, only he had gray eyes. "What's your name kid," I asked him. "Daniel," he replied, "Daniel Jackson, son of Athena."


Hey guys it's me again. So, since I had absolutely no idea who to ship together, I came up with Carleah. Honestly I think they are perfect together. Yes, some of the other descendants have arrived at camp, yes they all know each other, yes they know who their parents actually are, and what they did, no they do not know about what the Fates have in store for them. I will not tell you who else has arrived at camp besides Carter and Leah, but I will tell you this; only two descendants have not arrived.


        I've been at camp for two years now. I've made some good friends here at camp. Two of which are descendants of the seven of the prophecy. There's Ella Stoll, who is a descendant of Hermes, and Leah Grace, a descendant of Aphrodite. 

        When I heard all of the noise coming from Half-Blood Hill, I ran as fast as I could towards the noise. When I got to the top of the hill I saw a pile of golden dust from a monster, a golden ring, and a boy who looked about 12.

        When I got closer to get a better look, my heart did back flips. "Danny?" I said to the kid. When he saw me he got up and ran towards me, knocking me over with a hug. "Sam!" he said, his stormy gray eyes bright with excitement. "How did you get here before me?" "A pegasus," I replied like it was the most obvious thing ever.

        After finding out that my brother was descended from Athena, I brought him to Cabin 6 to meet the Athena campers and the head counselor of the Athena cabin.

        When we arrived at the cabins, there was a huge crater in the middle of the cabin area. I walked right into the Athena cabin, paying the crater no attention. "Go get James," I said to one of the campers. He soon returned with a tall kid with brown hair, gray eyes, and hipster glasses. "Who's this?" he asked. "He's my brother, Daniel Jackson."


        I should've known this kid was a Jackson. I mean, he looked exactly like Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson was one of the most famed heroes of Camp-Half Blood. "Welcome to Cabin 6 Daniel," I said to the kid.

        "Does Chiron know that he's here?" I asked Samantha. "I sent Leah to tell him, I wanted to bring him here myself," she replied. She looked, wait, was she blushing? She was definitely blushing. Good to know the feeling's mutual.

        After I introduced Daniel to all the Athena campers, I gave him a tour of the camp. He seemed to really connect with the pegasi. I guess they could smell Jacksons.

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