You Want A Torretto,I'll Give You A Torretto

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Chapter 1

Ashlynn's  Pov:

My whole live I was in a foster family.I never knew my family but I know they gave me up to protect me.I know I have an older brother Dom and older sister Mia.I have dark brown eyes and long wavy brown hair.I live with a family friend now Bill and Caren.I was 1 when they gave me up for adoption.I just turned 17 today.My name is Ashlynn Torretto.

"Ashlynn"I heard Caren yell from downstairs

"Yea"I said as I walked down the stairs

"Are you ready for school"She asked

Yes, I have to go to school on My birthday it sucks

"Yea, I'm ready"I said

"OK well Happy Birthday Sweetie"She said and handed me a little purple box

I took the box and untied the pink ribbon on it

"This is from Dom and Mia"She said

I look up in shock and then countinued to open the present

I took the lid off and saw a charm braclet that had a bicycle on it

Then a horn went off

"Ok I have to go thanks Caren"I said and grabbed my bookbag and left

I walked on the bus and saw my best friend Caitlyn waitin for me in the back

I walked to the back of the bus and sat down

"Hey Birthday Girl"Caitlyn said and smiled

"Hey Caitlyn"I said and looked the charm braclet

"Ohhhhh An early morning Birthday  Present"She said

Caitlyn has been my best friend since 2nd grade she is the only one who knows about my real family she has always been there

"Yeah but it wasnt from Bill and Caren It was from Mia and Dom"I said

We arrived at school and I saw a banner on the front of the school that said:

Happy 17th Birthday To Ashlynn Torretto

"What is this Caitlyn"I asked in shock

"A school Birthday Party just for you"She said

I was friends with alot of people at school but I also liked my privacy

We walked off the bus

"Well see ya at lunch"I said and walked to my 1st hour class

I walked into my science class and sat down

"Morning Ms.Torretto"Mrs.Kyle said

I was a straight A student in all of my classes

The day went by fast with people coming up and saying Happy Birthday

Then my last class came which was shop class working on cars

My favorite class of the day

Yes its true I am a Torretto when It comes to cars I have my licence of course but I chose not to drive my car for 3 reasons

#1:I am scared of getting in the thing

#2:It's a 9 second car

#3:I drive excacly like a Torretto and Caren does not approve of that

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