Chapter 8 - 8 weeks

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"Hey beautiful." Dean slides onto the bed and runs a hand over my hair. I just stay on my side, cuddled into the blankets. "Are you able to compete at SummerSlam?" I nod my head. "Hey, Saraya, look at me." I roll over and look at him. His blue eyes look into mine before he places a kiss on my forehead. "Are you ok? RAW is in Minneapolis tonight and we need to get going."
"Alright." I get up and head to the showers. I shower and get dressed before walking downstairs. I sit down on the stool and just stare at the fridge.
How was Cassidy? Was she still alive?

Dean Ambrose:
I head into the kitchen, only to notice Saraya just staring at the fridge. She looked like a ghost and I was beginning to think she shouldn't come to Minneapolis tonight.
"Yeah, you?"
"Yeah." Paige gets off the stool and I noticed she wasn't wearing shoes. "Babe?" she stops and looks at me. "Shoes?"
"Right." she runs back upstairs and comes back down with some shoes on.

Dean and I arrive at the arena and I keep my sunglasses on. I try to avoid the stares coming from people but it was hard.
"Paige, should you be here tonight?" Stephanie walks up to us.
"I'm fine." I smile and look up at Stephanie.
"Alright, you won't mind having a match with Emma tonight, would you? Seeing as Emma is leader of Charlotte and Becky while you were away."
"I won't mind." I give her a smile and head to the Divas Locker room. I change into different ring gear consisting of black cargo pants, some combat boots and a black vneck t-shirt. I place in some red extensions and slide my hands into some gloves before placing my phone in my bag and walking out.
I head towards the gorilla.

Dean Ambrose:
"Hey man, looks like Paige has got some new attire?" I look behind me and my jaw drops. Paige definitely changed. Who knew a woman could make cargo pants look so good?
I watch as she fixes her gloves before punching the air to get ready.
"Hey babe." I walk over to her and kiss her cheek. She almost punches me in the face.
"Sorry." she squeaks before kissing my chin. I smile and wrap my arms around her waist. "You coming with me to ringside?"
"Good, because we're going out now." she giggles and her music hits. We walk out, hand in hand, and we slide into the ring. Paige grabs a microphone and looks down the ramp.
"Emma, you stole my team. You stole my friends and for that, I'm getting payback on you." Emma's music hits and she walks out, a smirk on her face.
"Waging war against me, Paige? Are you sure you wanna do that because I'll hit you right where it hurts." I was taken aback from by how aggressive Emma was.
"Just get in here and fight me." Emma slides into the ring, Becky and Charlotte backing her.
"Once again, Paige, you're alone. No AJ. No one."
"Actually," the crowd erupts as AJ walks out, "she has me and..." AJ points towards the gorilla and Bayley walks out.
"Are you kidding me? Bayley? Really?" AJ and Bayley make their way down to the ring and stand beside Paige. The ref orders us out and we watch Paige and Emma as the bell rings.
Emma and Paige lock up, Paige backs Emma into the ropes. Emma turns, so Paige was backed into the ropes. Paige reverses, sending Emma into the corner. The ref backs Paige up and Emma runs at her. Paige sidesteps and sweeps Emma's foot out from under her. Paige goes for the pin but Emma kicks out. Paige gets up and Emma grabs Paige by the head and throws her onto the mat. Emma goes for the pin but Paige kicks out.
Paige and Emma lock up again but Paige gets Emma into a side headlock. Emma throws Paige into the ropes and attempts to trip Paige. Paige jumps over Emma and bounces off the ropes. Emma gets up, only to be knocked down by a shoulder tackle from Paige. Paige goes for the pin but Emma kicks out.
Paige hauls Emma to her feet and attempts to bodyslam Emma. Emma counters by hitting Paige on the back. Emma goes to bodyslam Paige but Paige counters. Paige pushes Emma into the turnbuckles. Paige runs at Emma but is stopped when Emma hits Paige in the head with an elbow. Emma rolls Paige up with a schoolgirl but Paige kicks out.
Emma goes to Irish whip Paige into the corner but Paige reverses by whipping Emma into the corner. Paige runs at Emma but Emma slides through the ropes. Paige goes to hit Emma but Emma drives her shoulder into Paige's torso before sliding under the bottom rope and going for a pin. Paige kicks out.
Emma delivers an arm drag and again covers Paige. Paige kicks out. Emma grabs Paige's arm and get her into a hammerlock. Paige grabs a handful of Emma's hair but Emma elbows Paige in the ribs, forcing Paige to let go.
Paige manages to manoeuvre out of the hold and she heabutts Emma. Emma falls backwards and Paige goes for the cover, Emma kicks out.
Paige attempts a backslide but Emma manages to get to the ropes. Emma locks in the DilEmma. The ref counts to three before Emma releases. Emma gloats a bit before turning around, only to be kicked in the torso by Paige. Emma falls through the ropes and onto the floor outside the ring.
Paige grabs Emma and throws her back into the ring. Paige get Emma into a read-naked chokehold. Paige grabs both of Emma's arms and pulls back while digging her knee into Emma's spine. Paige wrenches back on the arms before rolling up Emma. Emma kicks out. Emma gets to her hands and knees until Paige hits Emma across the back. Paige hauls Emma up by the hair and throws Emma into the ropes. Paige grabs the ropes and pulls back, forcing Emma to fall backwards. Paige goes for the cover but Emma kicks out.
Paige gets Emma to her feet and delivers a fishermens suplex and goes for the pin, but Emma kicks out.
Paige grabs Emma's hair and haul her to her feet before tossing Emma into the corner. Paige gets Emma into a seated position before repeatedly stomping on Emma's chest. Paige goes for the cover but Emma kicks out. Paige goes for another cover but again, Emma kicks out.
Emma uses the ropes to get up and Paige grabs Emma by the hair before attempting to whip Emma into the corner. Emma reverses by sending Paige into the corner. Emma runs at Paige but Paige swings through the ropes. Emma grabs Paige by the hair and yanks her back into the ring. Emma turns to walk away but turns back to Paige and delivers a crossbody onto the turnbuckles. Emma drags Paige into the center of the ring and goes for pin, Paige kicks out.
Emma gets Paige to her feet before whipping her into the ropes. Paige flips over Emma before attempting to roll her up but Emma just falls to her knees. Paige reverses and attempts to pin Emma. Emma kicks out.
Emma gets to her feet and delivers a double axe handle to Paige's back. Emma gets back up and kicks Paige in the ribs. Emma locks Paige in a rear naked chokehold and the crowd begins to chant for Emma.
"C'mon Paige!" AJ and I shout from ringside.
Paige struggles to break free but Emma had the chokehold locked in. Paige hits her feet off the mat and reaches for the ropes but she was in the centre of the ring.
Paige twists onto her side and grabs ahold of Emma's jaw. Paige pulls back but Emma doesn't let go. Paige gets to her feet and delivers multiple elbows to Emma's ribs, forcing Emma to let go.
Paige runs off the ropes, only to be knocked down by an elbow to the face. Emma goes for the pin but Paige kicks out.
"Are you kidding me!?" Emma yells at the ref before slamming her hands down on the mat.
Emma grabs Paige by the hair and hauls Paige to her feet. Emma wraps her arms around Paige's waist and clasps her hands together. Emma drags Paige down to the mat
Paige gets to her feet and backs Emma into the corner. Paige throws back elbows to Emma's head, forcing Emma to push Paige forward. Paige runs at Emma as Emma brings up her foot but Paige catches it. Paige delivers a leg takedown and get Emma into a modified Clover Leaf.
"C'mon Emma!" Becky and Charlotte yell from the opposite side of the ring. The crowd begins to get louder, cheering for Paige and Emma.
"Tap!" AJ yells.
Emma reverses by turning her body and pushing Paige into the ropes. Paige goes to pick Emma up but Emma rolls Paige into a small package. Paige kicks out and they both get to their feet. Emma tackles Paige and grabs both of Paige's legs. Emma attempts to lock in the EmmaLock but Paige crawls towards the ropes and latches on.
Emma goes to grab Paige but Paige delivers a headbutt and grabs Emma's hair. Paige pulls Emma's upper torso through the second ropes and delivers multiple knees to Emma's chest.
Emma falls backwards and Paige makes her way to the top rope but is stopped by a slap to the face from Emma. Emma gets onto the second rope and grabs Paige. Emma delivers a superplex and the crowd cheers.
Emma crawls towards Paige and goes for the cover but Paige gets her foot onto the bottom rope. Emma grabs Paige and hauls her up but Paige kicks Emma in the torso. Paige delivers another kick to Emma's gut before getting behind Emma and delivers a PaigeTurner. Paige goes for the cover and gets the win. AJ and Bayley pulls Paige from the ring and I hook her arm over my shoulder before backing up the ramp. Paige smirks before yelling.
"That is what you call dominating!"

Paige, AJ, Bayley and I walk backstage and Sasha runs up to Paige and gathers her in a hug. Paige hugs Sasha tightly before letting go and smiling. I look up to see Randy Orton making his way over. He pulls her in for a hug and kisses her on the forehead.
"Great win, kid."
"Thanks." Paige runs her hand through her hair and smiles as Brie pulls her in for a hug.
"Good job, Saraya."
"Thank you."
"Hey!" I turn to see Emma walking towards us. Paige goes to give Emma a hug but Emma just delivers a hard slap to Paige's face.
"Like I said, I know where to hit you right where it hurts. And that starts NOW."

Turn the Paige (Sequel to A New Paige)Where stories live. Discover now