The Man

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(A/N The media is just the song I listened to during the production of this chapter. I used to not like it but then I got into it. The story that the video tells really gave me inspiration, so I hope you enjoy this chapter!

(Chica's POV)

Chica watched with horror, slowing down as she watched Bonnie crumple to the floor. She stopped running, threatening tears to not spill from her eyes. She couldn't even scream Bonnie's name. Chica was too terrified to do anything.

Everything happened slowly as massive arms came up behind Chica and grasped her tightly. Chica wanted to run and to help Bonnie. She kicked furiously, screaming, "NO! LET--GO--OF--ME! HELP!" 

Three animatronics brushed past Chica, stomping toward Bonnie's supine body. She felt a scream rising in her throat, ready to launch forth at the robots. Suddenly, she felt a giant arm clamp down over her mouth. She could breath through her nose, but she couldn't scream. Instead, muffled shouts were the only thing she could yell.

Shock paralyzed Chica as the animatronics began beating Bonnie's unconscious body. 

"MMM! MMMM . . . MMMM!" she muffled, trying to get the animatronics to stop.

Suddenly, a scratchy robotic voice sounded from one of Bonnie's attackers; a bear. "This will be an excellent treat for Jonathan!"

A bunny looked angrily at the bear. "You mean Master Jonathan?"

"I am sorry, Bonnie. I meant Master Jonathan."

"Yes!" a chicken joined. "Should we take her back to him?" 

Chica twisted her head over to find Freddy unconscious in the tight grip of a massive fox animatronic. Foxy was in the clutches of a bear, fighting and kicking furiously to escape the grip. He glowed red multiple times, but it seemed to die out after a few seconds. Did his powers not work around the animatronics? 

"Of course!" the bear replied. "We will take all of the kids because Master Jonathan said that they took something he had. We cannot let that happen."

"MM-MM!" Chica screamed, trying to yell Freddy's name. He was unconscious. Bonnie was unconscious. Foxy couldn't do anything to get out of the trap. And Chica was his equal.

Suddenly, the chicken animatronic that held Chica picked her up from the ground, its massive feet pounding against the dirt. The pace picked up as they went through the forest even more. Chica's screams still ripped at her throat, even though the sound ejected from her open nostrils. 

The trees whizzed by like arrows, the dirt a swirled blur. The animatronic horde around them launched through the forest. Chica wanted it to be over. She was tired after months of running through the forest. Maybe they would be captured this time. Maybe Jonathan could actually win this fight. 

Her head bobbed down as she drifted to unintentional sleep. 



Everything was light. 

Everything was dark, too.

But there was light. 

A voice called from the nothingness, a majestic voice that seemed of high authority. It boomed through everything around Chica as she listened. 

"Wake up."


"Wake up now."

Chica felt rushed. "S-sorry! I'm trying!"

"Wake up now."

"I promise, I'm trying!"

"Try harder." 

Chica was getting agitated with this voice. Why did she need to wake up? Wasn't she already awake . . . ?

Oh, right.

It's a dream.

Chica searched internally, hoping to find a rope that she could tug and make her way into the real world. She tried, but the grip of the dream seemed to keep her away, binding her with unbreakable chains. Chica felt trapped. Trapped forever.

"It's not that hard, alright?" Chica whispered to herself. "Just . . . let it happen." 

Her body started to tingle, going numb at every limb. It was happening. Reality was coming back.

Light consumed her as the rope had been stretched to its full length.


"GAH!" Chica screamed as she jolted from her sleeping position. Her vision was flooded with dried leaves and dirt, trees surrounding her. She clutched the ground and pushed herself to her feet. 

Once she had regained her wits, Chica rubbed her head. "Wha . . . ?" 

A few lifeless animatronics littered the ground. Chica was alarmed. She looked around the area, scanning ferociously. Nothing seemed to be in sight. Nothing dangerous at all-- 

The air next to Chica began to glimmer and wave, curiosity thrashing in her mind. Her eyes widened as she realized it wasn't good. Chica spun around and tapped the forest floor with her feet as she sprinted.

She didn't get far in her escape attempt as a loud BOOM! interrupted her. Shocked, Chica flew forward and face planted into the ground. When she looked behind her, she found a bright circle of light in the air, like a portal.

Her heart pounded more as a figure jumped from the depths of the circle, rolling onto the ground and springing back into the air. He launched at a nearby animatronic, taking them to the ground. The man grasped the bunny's neck and with a pop the head came clean off, a shower of sparks streaking from the headless neck.

Chica rubbed her eyes and pushed herself to her knees, watching as the man opened created another circle of light and jumped into it. Another circle of light appeared right as the previous one disappeared. The man sprung out of it and grabbed another animatronic, heaving it into the portal-like thing.

Is this still a dream? rang Chica's thoughts.

Chica got up to her feet, witnessing the man as he vaulted from one thin air to the next. Animatronics dropped like flies with every second. The man . . . he was saving them.

Suddenly, the final animatronic was down. The man was breathing heavy, grasping the head he had ripped from the animatronic's body. He let it fall to the ground.

The blood in Chica's ears rushed as his gaze was averted to her. Her eyes widened with shock.

A flash of light, and the man was next to Chica, looking at her. She screeched and stumbled back, looking up into the man's dark black eyes. She was shocked to find that he was old, creases etched into his pale face. He wore

"Wh . . . who are . . . you?" she flustered through frantic breaths.

The man looked around, as though he were checking if anyone was around. He turned his head back down to Chica.

"I am a Guardian, too. But, my powers are my own, unlike you. I was the first Guardian to be born."

The first Guardian? He was the one who began this whole charade with Jonathan? Already, Chica felt weighted with questions. She looked out at the animatronics, finding her friends. They each laid down on the ground, silent. She wondered if they were . . .

She had those thoughts all the time. They were always okay.

Chica took a big breath and looked up at the man. "What's your name?"

"My name? I am Fred, and you must come with me. If you are to have even the slightest chance to defeat Jonathan, you must train." He began walking. Chica stared at him tentatively, taking a small step forward.
"Follow me."

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