Konoha High (Chapter 16)

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I asked Sasuke why I made him smile. I could tell he was a little surprised at the question. A few seconds later he smirked," You'll find out later." he said. I smiled because his smirk looked sexy. "Sooo... Tsuki you think my smirk looks sexy," Sasuke said of coarse smirking. "Wait!!! You heard that!!," I yelled while blushing. He nodded. I blushed darker. "W-well forget you heard that!," I exclaimed. Sasuke shook his head. "I never forget anything. Never..." he said.
I stomped over to my car which surprisingly was near Sasuke's car. He chuckled behind me and I huffed. He waved bye to me and I stuck my tongue at him but waved bye anyway. He laughed at this. I rolled my eyes and entered my car. I got a text. From Sasuke who was sitting in his car. It said

Drive safe
from sexy smirk

I glared playfully at him and he smirked.
I texted back

Whateva *Stick out tongue*
Bye! *Smile*

He texted back saying
Bye... *smirk*

I sighed cause he was gonna torture me with his smirk.
I started my car and drove off to my house. I was greeted by my parents. Well... more like interrogated with questions. "Tsuki where were you? Me and your father were worried sick. Do you know what time it is. It's 1:49a.m." mom said aggrovated. I waited for her and dad to calm down before saying something. "I was at the mall and I got a job because I didn't want to keep asking over and over again for money from you guys. Now can I go to sleep I'm tired from working ten straight hours," I said, bluntly. My parents were shocked. "Oh darling you don't need a job and you can always ask us for money I don't want my little pumpkin to suffer by dealing with a job," dad said. Mom nodded in agreement. I smiled at them. "I know I just want to help provide for this family like you guys do," I said. "..... Fine.... If you really want to then you can keep the job ,but if it gets to bad for you don't hesitate to quit. Now go right on up to bed. You must be tired," mom said. I smiled at her and gave them both a hug before going on to my room. When I got to my room I took a quick shower changing into my Pjs and brushed my teeth. I got a texted from sasuke.

Hey Tsuki,
Me, Nami, and Naruto are hanging
out tomorrow with a couple other people
want to come? *smirk*

I sighed and texted

Sure and are you gonna text smirk
after every text.

He texted back saying

I only text smirk to you BYE!!

I giggled a little and texted good night to Sasuke
then fell asleep.

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