Konoha High (Final Chapter)

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"Hello?" Said a familiar voice. 

"*Sob* Itachi *whimper*" I say holding back tears. "Tsuki! What's wrong what happened." Itachi said concerned. "Sasuke *sob* hospital *sob* my *sob* FAULT *cry*" I say breaking down in tears. "Sasuke's in the hospital?! Where!? How did this happen?!" Itachi asked with his voice raised. "Ask *sob* Naruto *cry*" I said. "You're not with him. Hold on I'm coming to get you so we can go see h- "NO" I interrupted sobbing. "....why?" Itachi asked. "*Sob* Naruto *sob* said *sob* I CAN'T *cry*" I cried. "You deserve to see Sasuke more than anyone." Itachi said before hanging up. "No I don't deserve to see him or anyone." I mumbled to myself. Itachi came to the hotel. 

Hinata Pov
I waited for Tsuki to calm down before I would talk to her. A knock came from the door. Before I could answer Itachi walked in. Where is she was all he said. I pointed towards the bathroom. Itachi knocked on the door. "Tsuki open the door. I know what happened Naruto told me but I need to hear it from you." Itachi said. I decided to leave the room to give those two privacy. 

Tsuki Pov
...... "Tsuki answer me! What.... what happened." He said softening his voice. I unlocked the door. 

Itachi Pov
The door opened. I saw a horrible sight. Tsuki had bags under her eyes from crying so much. Her mascara had run down her face with her tears. Her eyes red and she had a palm print on her forehead. Was she hitting herself. "Tsuki get up we're going to go see Sasuke." I said. "No! ....he doesn't want to see me." She said. "Tsuki trust me! Even if he is hurt all he will think about is you." I said helping her up. "Get dressed and wash you face. I still want to hear your story." I said.

Tsuki Pov
I simply nodded looking at the floor.
I came out dressed in grey sweat pants and a plain white T. My face was washed but you could still see the redness in my eyes and cheeks.
I followed Itachi in his car. "So tell me why did you cheat on him." Itachi asked starting the car. "That's the thing..... I didn't....." I said. "But Naruto sa-"Naruto doesn't know what happened!"I kinda yelled. "He just knows what Sasuke told him....." I say calming myself down. "Then what DID happen?" He asked. "You know Yumi, my ex...?" I asked. "Yeah" he said driving. "He's dying..... His face that today was serious. He told me he was dying and that he wanted to remember what it was like to have a REAL girlfriend again..... out of pity I told him I would go with him. I didn't think of it as a date. Because I never kissed him I never hugged him. All that happened was that he gave me flowers. We talked and he sang to me!" I said tears brimming in my eyes. "Don't cry..." Itachi said. I calmed down a bit. I sighed. "I didn't tell Sasuke because I knew he would have refused. But know I feel like he would have understood why. But.... I don't know anymore." I said. The car stopped. "Tsuki we're here. And Tsuki all I can say is that you need to have faith in Sasuke more because he will get upset here and there but he will always understand." Itachi said. Itachi walked me inside. Half the class was there. Hateful stares were looking towards me. "Tsuki why are you here I told you not to come." Naruto said with rage. I felt tears brimming in my eyes. "That's enough Naruto." Itachi said. "How could you stick up for her Itachi she put your own brother in the hospital." Naruto yelled. I didn't mean to..... A tear fell from my eyes. "She cheated on him!" Naruto exclaimed. "Enough Naruto!" Itachi said getting angry. "I DIDN'T CHEAT ON HIM YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING." I yelled tears running down my cheeks. I ran into a nearby room. Back against the door crying. 

Sasuke Pov
I wake up to hear crying. I look towards where the crying came from. Is that Tsuki? Why was she crying? I should be the one that's upset, but still I want to know what happened. 

Tsuki Pov
I cry into my knees. They don't understand. I didn't cheat. "I didn't.....I didn't cheat." I mumble to myself. 

Sasuke Pov
She didn't.....cheat.. but...

Tsuki Pov
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry." I mumbled to myself. "You shouldn't be sorry if you didn't cheat." said a voice. I look up at the voice.... Sasuke. He stared at me dully but there was a small smirk on his face. "Why?" I said. His smirk faded. "Why what?" He asked. "Why are you smirking at me! You should hate me! I mean I put you in the hospital! I hurt you physically and emotionally. It's...all my fault." I say clutching my knees. "Come here." He said sighing. His stare was holding on my face. I got up and walked over to him. I sat down in a chair next to him. Sasuke sat up the best way he could. "Tsuki I'm not one to show my emotions towards people. But you.... you hurt me. And I want to know why...why did you cheat on me with Yumi." He asked looking me in my eyes. I couldn't look at him. He gripped my hand. I looked at him. "Yumi is dying." I said. Sasuke seemed a little confused. I sighed continuing. "When everyone was get settled into their rooms Yumi walked up to me. He had a serious face on. He told me that he's dying. He had a serious brain tumor and had a week or so to live.... He is going home to his parents tonight and said he wanted to remember how it was to have a REAL girlfriend again. So he asked me out... And I said yes out of pity. I know I should have asked you first and I was stupid for not telling you I.... I just thought you would freak out. But I just wanted to tell you nothing happened. Nothing happened between Yumi and I.  All that happened was he gave me flowers, we talked, he sang about me and you, and then he told me to go home before you start to worry about me." I explained looking at the ground. Sasuke lifted my chin and looked into my eyes before kissing me. "I believe you." He said. I felt tears run down my cheeks again. I hugged him. He winced in pain but hugged back. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said.

~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~

AN: Wow finally finished. I didn't expect this story to be this long. And yes it's really over no sequels. Finished!!!
Thanx for all the readers that stayed to read the whole story. BAAAAAIIII!!!!!! X3  

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