Chapter - 24

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"Manik..!! You know na on what conditions
I have let you attend this
meeting..!!"Nayonika said in a serious tone.
As Manik and Nayonika were in Malhotra's
office. They were going to meet Rahul. Cabir
told Nayonika about Manik's behavior with
Rahul. Nayonika was not ready to bring
Manik with her. But Manik was so stubborn
he came. Now Nayonika was setting
conditions that Manik will behave with
Rahul. Manik was standing near the window
hands in his jeans pocket and not to forget
to mention he was looking sinfully
"I know Mom..!! I know..!!" Manik said
"Manik Malhotra..!! I am warning
you..!!"Nayonika tried her best. But she
knew Manik was surely up to something.
Suddenly Manik's PA came.
"Sir..!! Here is the file you ordered..!!"He
said and handed over a file to Manik. After
that he left.
"What is this file?"Nayonika asked Manik. He
quietly handed her the file. Nayonika opened
the file and her eyes popped out. The whole
file was full with the words "You are
a Rapist" . "What the hell is this
Manik?"Nayonika shouted.
"Chill Mom..!! Just a little mental torture for
that dosh pack..!!"Manik said in a very calm
tone and Nayonika looked at him in
"Manik..!! Usay shak ho jye ga..!!"Nayonika
said panicking worriedly.
"Nahi ho ga Mom..!! Relax..!!"Manik was
very calm he sat on a chair and Nayonika
was terrified. Then they heard a knock on
the door. This time it was Rahul. He came
inside the office and as soon as he saw
Manik sitting he made a face. Nayonika
immediately got up for Rahul but Manik
being Manik gave a shit to him he didn't
moved an inch for Rahul.
"Good Morning Mrs.Malhotra..!!"Rahul
showed his teeth to Nayonika and shook
hand with her.
"Good Morning Mr.Khana..!! Pleasure to
meet you..!! Have a seat please..!!"Nayonika
too smiled but only God knows how she was
resisting herself from slapping Rahul. Rahul
sat on the seat and Manik was looking at
him with a teasing smile.
"I thought that we will be doing this meeting
alone..!! As I wasn't expecting MR.Malhotra
to be here..!!"Rahul said smilingly to
"It's ok Mr.Khana..!! I will not
interfere..!!"Manik said sarcastically and
Rahul frowned.
"Well I didn't mean that Young Man..!!"He
said in an ice cold tone and Manik laughed.
"Mr.Rahul..!! Lets start our
meeting..!!"Nayonika diverted the topic and
Rahul nodded. Manik gave him the project
file and he took it. As soon as he opened the
file the words in it make him tremble on his
place Manik was just noticing his
expressions and was amusing. Nayonika was
sitting calmly on her seat.
"What happened Mr.Khana?"Manik
asked innocently. Rahul composed himself
and threw the file away.
"Is that a joke Mrs.Malhotra..!!"He almost
yelled to overcome his fear.
"Wohoo..!! Don't you dare to raise your
voice in front of my mother..!!"Manik stood
up from his seat.
"Oh really..! Then what is this?"Rahul said
and showed Manik the file. Manik acted like
he didn't knew anything. He held the file.
"You are a rapist..!!"Manik read it loudly
and once again Rahul started sweating
badly. Manik look at Rahul and shrugged his
shoulders. "This must be a prank
Mr.Khana..!!"Manik said in a calm tone. "But
why are you sweating so badly? Are you a
rapist?"Manik asked sarcastically and
Rahul's eyes widened.
"Of course not..!! And I am not sweating..!!
It's just I am feeling a little warm..!!"Rahul
fumbled and wiped his sweat with the
"Hmm..!! May be..!!"Manik said innocently.
He looked at Nayonika and winked.
Nayonika smilingly shook her head.
Meanwhile Rahul composed himself and
they continued with the meeting. Manik was
constantly interrupting Rahul on his meeting
points. At last Rahul lost his patience.
"Mr.Malhotra..!! Your interruption is
pointless..!! I am here to discuss all this with
Mrs.Malhotra..!!"He tried to act normal.
"Is it so? Ohh..!! Well Mr.Khana..!! If you are
forgetting then let me tell you that I am
MANIK MALHOTRA the only heir of this
whole empire...!! So tum ny Mom say
meeting ki ya mj say aik he baat hai..!! Am I
right Mom?"Manik said in such a teasing
manner that Rahul felt like banging his head
in some wall.
"Of course Jaan..!! Mr.Khana..!! I have no
doubt on my son's qualities..!!"Nayonika
said with a proud and Manik again winked
at her.
"Hmm..!! Well that I know..!! You are
right..!! But after all this..!! I want to sign
this deal..!! Please Mrs.Malhotra..!!"Rahul
tried to handle the situation.
"Oh yes Mr.Khana..!! Deal is ON..!!"Nayonika
said smilingly and signed the deal. Rahul
shook hand with her and once again Manik
didn't moved an inch. Neither he tried to
shook hand with Rahul. Rahul after saying
goodbye to Nayonika Rahul turned to leave
but he can clearly feel the piercing gaze of
Manik over him. He was about to step out
when suddenly he turned.
"Young Man..!! I have a friendly advice for
you..!! And that is you should control your
attitude and this stubbornness of
yours..!!"Rahul said in an ice cold tone and
Manik laughed sarcastically.
"Rahul..!! Rahul..!! Rahul..!! Haahh..!! How
sweet you are ni?"Manik said smilingly and
stood in front of him. "But let me tell you
ATTITUDE is my problem..!! Not
yours..!!"Manik said in a little high pitch.
Nayonika came in between of both and
slightly pushed Manik away.
"Mr.Rahul..!! We will meet soon..!! Have a
good day..!!"Nayonika said smilingly and
Rahul after giving a deadly glare to Manik
"What the hell is wrong with you Manik..!! I
told you to behave yourself..!!"Nayonika said
slapping lightly Manik on his cheeks.
"Mom please..!! Only I know how I was
controlling myself..!!"Manik said
frustratedly and sat on a chair to control his
"Acha meri jaan Calm down..!!"Nayonika
patted his head and kissed his hair which
acted as healing pill for Manik and he
instantly calm down. "Acha listen..!! There is
a meeting in Lonavla..!! Why don't you go
and attend it on my behalf..!!"Nayonika said
softly ruffling his hair and Manik hugged
Nayonika's waist as she was standing beside
"I will go but Nandini..!! You know na how
much she panicked without me..!!"Manik
said in a low tone.
"Hmm..!! Then take Nandini with you..!!
Waisy bhi sham tak wapas he aa jaoa gay
tum..!!"Nayonika suggested.
"Nandini kay liye bhi change of atmosphere
will be good..!!"Nayonika said smilingly and
this idea clicked Manik.
"Wow Mom..!! I love you alot..!!" Manik said
and hugged Nayonika tightly.
Dhrulya,CaVya and Mukhbi were sitting in
canteen. Laughing loudly as Cavya and
Mukhbi's date went awesome last night. All
were smiling a lot. Suddenly Navya saw a
girl and her eyes popped out.
"Cabir..!! Guys..!! Wo dkho..!!"Navya said in
low voice and all look at that girl.
"SOHA..!!"They all whispered in unison.
"Shhh..!! Does Nandini know about
her?"Abhimanyu said.
"I don't think so..!!"Alya said in a low tone.
"But she had left na?" Navya said.
"Yes..!! Buddy say breakup kay baad she had
left the college..!!"Dhruv said nodding his
"I wish she don't create misunderstandings
between Manik and Nandini..!!"Mukti said
and all nodded.
"You are right..!! Nandini is already very
sensitive..!!"Cabir said and all became sad.
Suddenly Nandini came.

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