Chapter Twenty: Emotional Walls Pt. 2

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You              Not good enough.

The office instantly fills with silence as Laurent drops his head...surprised yet not surprised at his admission. In just a matter of minutes he's discovering why counseling is so necessary. It isn't about talking to a stranger, it's about discovering hidden truths...revealing things about himself that he knows but mostly, things about himself he doesn't know... 

Dr. Hall: "That's a powerful revelation Laurent".

Laurent: "Yeah", he whispers.

She sees two tears fall from his eyes and onto his lap so she reaches over at the table next to her and pulls some Kleenex from the box...

Dr. Hall: "Here you go".

Laurent looks up and gently takes the Kleenex from her hand then whispers, "thank you" before wiping his tears away. For a few moments he's doing ok...even if it was just a small release of emotion...

Dr. Hall: "So what we have to figure out now is what caused this feeling within yourself and how that's related to the abuse of your twin. We've established that he received a substantial amount of attention whether it was from family or girls but are there other areas in which he received the same amount of attention"?

Laurent: "In dance. He just got better and stronger. When I look at myself I don't see the same thing. The fans probably don't know we do this but we go on YouTube and watch us videos and I see the comments. One time I watched a clip from Juste Debout 2011 and I saw a comment that said, "When Laurent was actually better than Larry". That was all it said...but it didn't need to say anything else. I realized then that everyone thinks he's better now".

Dr. Hall: "I see. So is it safe to assume that the comment has always been in the back of your mind"?

Laurent: *nods head* "I think for it all the time, especially when we battle. But the thing is, I'm glad my twin is such a great dancer and I'm proud of him. It's just...." *pause* "I don't know".

Dr. Hall: "With what your mind was subjected to growing up in terms of the level of praise your twin received, during those moments the feelings resurface. Am I correct"?

Laurent: "Yeah. That's correct".

Dr. Hall: "And a part of you tries to figure out what to do so you can be the best again"?

Laurent: "Exactly. I even see the comments in my head when I dance and I hope I become stronger in that moment".

Dr. Hall: "Well sibling rivalry comes with being part of a family so it's normal to be competitive when it comes to something such as dance. However, in your case it obviously goes beyond that. You have internal factors attached to it that make it much deeper than what's considered "typical" sibling rivalry. These factors have been lingering for years and after so long they start to build up. Now usually correlation doesn't equal causation but in your case I believe it does".

Laurent: "Correlation? What does that mean"? 

Dr. Hall: "That phrase simply means that a correlation or relation between two things does not necessarily mean that one causes the other but with you...this has everything to do with your recent behaviors. You've just had it suppressed for so long you were unaware. And I'm willing to bet that when something happens between the two of you, you start to say things that either you're not aware you're saying or those memories come back like a flood and you're aware of everything you're saying at that moment".

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