When i'm with him, I have that... Feeling...

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Katherine's P.O.V.:

In the car there's an awkward silence. I sigh, relieved. I'm happy Ronan didn't asked anythig about my family or something... Cause then i always start to cry and... Well... You know...

I see we have arrived at home. I step out, just like Ronan and Maggie. Ronan stands in front of me and smiles a bit akwardly. To be honest : cutest thing ever seen. "Well... I'm happy you could join me. And i discovered a new sing talent!" he laugs. I smile and blush. "Awh, stop it you!". Ronan smiles at me and grabs me in a tight hug. "Kath, you're awesome, do you know that?". I feel tears in my eyes when i remember dad alays said the same to me. But papa always called me Katie. Little, cute Katie... I also wrap my arms around Ronan and whisper: "You too, Ro...". He gives me a paper, leaves me and smiles while he and his mum go inside. I look up and see my two nieces spying out of the window. When they see i'm loking at them, they try to cover theirselves and open the front door after 5 minutes. "Katherine! What a suprise?!" Bethany smiles, so so so fake. Like thy don't know with who i was -.-

"Guys, you know who was with me..."...


"See... Calm down guys! Nothing happened! We just went to the studio...".

"DID RONAN TOOK YOU TO THE STUDIO OMG! KATHERINE HE REALLY REALY LIKES YOU OMG". This time it's Bethany who's freaking out. "Btw, what did he gave to you? That paper?".

I look at the paper in my hand. "I don't know actually...". I fold the paper open and see a number. ith that, he has written "Hey i just met you, and this is crazy. But here's my number, so text me maybe? ;-D XxxX". I smile and close the lill' paper. I decide to not tel anything to my nieces. "So, what is it?". I smile. "It's the bill, when we drubk something at Starbucks...". They nod. 

"Okay... So... You went to the studio, with Ronan, then heard Ronan singing, and then go to starbucks, with Ronan... Girl, that guy is crazy about you!".

I stick my tongue out and see it's getting dark. "Girs! Time for dinner!" aunty Lara shouts. Aunt, Uncle, Beth, Nina, mom and i are sitting at the table. We're eating delicious spaghetti, and after that, it's time for bed. My nieces and i share a room cause my mom seeps in Bethany's room. So we stay ith 3 in Nina's room. "G'night bitches!" Nina laughs. "Nina! Your language!" Bethany critizises. I smile. "Nightie!". Then we all try to sleep.

It's 3 o'clock in the morning. I can't sleep. I can't even close an eye. I'm thinking of something... Something good, something special... Ronan. Yeah, judge me. I'm thinking about Ronan, wich NOT means i love him! I take the paper from under my pillow and shine with my cellphone on it. Would he still be awake? Hmm...

I decide to put Ronans number in my phone and to send a text. "Aye! Can't sleep... :-3 xx". I smile, but regret it as soon as i send the message. The poor guy is probaby asleep, AND 2 X'es.. Is that too much for friends?. I get a message back, i'm suprised. "Wow..." i whisper to myself. I read the message, it's also from Ronan. "Aha, hi there ;-) Nah, can't sleep neither... What's up? xxxx". I'm relieved. I'm not the ony one who send X'es... "Just thinking about stuff... Haha :-) xxxx". I smile while sending it and smie even brighter when i get one back. "Oh, that must be coincidence. I was also thinking about some stuff... xxxx".

Me: "What kind of stuff? xxxx".

- - - - - - *  Message sent.

2 mins. later.

**New message**

Ronan: "You... xxx".

I'm a bit in shock. Can't even text back. What would he mean with that? Is he really thinking about how it would be to kiss me and live happelly ever after with me? No... No no no... Katherineeee... What are you doing?....

Is this friendship? (A RonanParke-lovestory)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu