II: Entrance Exams

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Chapter 2: Entrance Exams

The summer heat was a drag. The weather never seemed to go below one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Alfred laid back in his chair, hands stretched high and then resting on top of his head. It lean with him making a creaking sound. "Ah, this heat is really draining my energy." His body sunk down in his chair, and he let out a heavy sigh. "Who knew studying for the entrance exam would be so tiring?" He started to fan himself to cool his body down. It wasn't the most successful way nor did it help very much. CRASH! Alfred fell to the floor. Turns out the American had fallen back because of his lack of attention when his mind wanders off. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" He rubbed the back of his head once he had the chance to actually get up without any pain shooting up his spin. Alfred adjusted his t-shirt, with a picture his favorite superhero 'Captain America' on it, straightened it out, and patted it like there was gathered dust on it. He sighed as a complaint and flopped down on his bed backwards, his head facing the end and his feet resting on his pillow. "Natural selection all comes from a species' ability to adapt to the environment and survive." He restated. The idea of evolution was never quite clear to Alfred nor did the subcategory really catch his interest but he did wonder, "If natural selection picks off the ones that are more suited to their environment then why do I feel like I'm that one species of one animal who doesn't belong with others. Only a custom to survive in his environment. Is it possible that the people different from me will die out? Or will it be the opposite? I don't know, but I'm frightened by not knowing the answer." Alfred then looked down at his shirt he wondered what colors he was wearing. If his pants matched his shirt. If his socks were different colors. Even if his eyes were separate pigments. Seeing everything without color was difficult.


The day of the entrance exam had finally arrived and Alfred felt the most nervous he had been in years. Oh god, what happens if I can't do this? What happens if I fail? I really don't want to fail this. I've worked too hard to fail this exam. I have to pass.

"Hey," a voice called. Male, with a tang of an British accent, "are you alright? You seem upset or nervous."

Alfred realized he was standing at the entrance of World Academy, head down and shaking in his converse shoes. But when he looked up the first thing he saw were eyes that seemed to glow. He wasn't so sure what made them so luminous. "Uh..." He began but was too distracted. The boy waved his hand in front of Alfred to get his head out the clouds.

"You alright, lad?" The other spoke. He wore a light colored trench coat that hung down to his mid-thighs. Underneath was an old band T-shirt of the infamous Rolling Stones. He also wore jeans. Not the nice looking kind. But the kind that you were able to see the skin underneath. Hanging on his ears were a few cartilage piercings that were connected with a single chain and three stud earrings on his lobes. On his feet there were dark combat-looking boots. Interesting choice of clothing; like this boy was a punk, only dialed down three or four notches from what Alfred thought.

"A-Ah yeah... I guess you can call it that. I'm just a bit nervous about this entrance exam." Alfred replied, once he was off of cloud nine.

"Well that makes sense. Everyone gets the jitters here and there. I get them more than I really should. But you know how I deal with it? I take three deep breaths before walking in. Trust me it helps." The other said, before giving Alfred a wink and walking off down the street.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name!" Alfred hollered.

The other looked over his shoulder and yelled back, "Arthur Kirkland." Then he turned the corner and disappeared from Alfred's sight.

Arthur Kirkland? He doesn't seem at all what he dresses like. Alfred looked back at the ground. Just breath before walking in... Seems too easy to work... But it's my only option. I'll have to try it.


Now Alfred was standing in front of the classroom he was testing in. The room number read 257, and below the room number it read Science Laboratory. Alfred reached for the door knob but stopped himself when he remembered Arthur's words. Take three deep breaths before walking in. Alfred repeated in his mind. Alfred started. One breath; in and out. Then the second. And last the third. Once he had finished his last breath he realized that he had become more calm and collective. He wasn't shaking and no sweat dripped down his forehead. "How was it this easy? Well no matter to the logic behind that. I got a test to pass!" Alfred was enthused now. He ran into the classroom with confidence.


"Time's up!" The professor that was supervising the exam said, "Everyone put your pencils down please, and close your test books. I'll be around to collect them now,"

Alfred set his pencil down on the table. An eager look was in his eyes. I know for sure I aced this test. All of the answers where so obvious and easy! I knew which one was correct even before I looked at the answers! I feel confident that I did a great job!

After Alfred had handed his exam to the supervising professor, the American walked out of the room with a big smile on his face. He stretched his arms above his head and yawned. The day was still young. Alfred stood at the entrance of the school, back turned to it. "Today was a good day." Alfred said, still with a big smile.

A small movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. There wasn't much but all Alfred could glimpse of was the back of a trench coat and the glittering reflection of metal. Could that have been that Arthur Kirkland guy from before? Alfred shrugged it off. I must have been seeing stuff. I don't think he would have stayed out here for that long and walked by the school multiple times. Hm... Whatever. Though I hope I see him again. He was actually quite nice.

A/N: I didn't know so many people would want an update so badly... I feel bad for not updating and writing faster... Oops, well here's the next chapter. I hope that you enjoyed this small part of the story. I will make an effort to put more time into my writing. HASTA LA PASTA for now, my dears!

-Admin Em

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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