Today was so amazing! left me more confused than I have been since school started. Melman still wants to get back together and I'm not sure what I want to do. If I say no then I'll feel really bad, I mean I like him and all...but he just seems like the type of person you would be friends with. When we were together we took things really slooowwww. Slow is good, but not when you are going snail pace slow haha. Then I have this other guy...I sorta like him and I know he likes me (we will refer to him as orange taco). And he came up to me at the end of the day and attack hugged me in front of melman. Once he saw melman he said "Oh sorry man. I didn't know" and waves bye to me and walked off. It was very awkward. Then while I was on the bus another ex boyfriend of mine (by the way orange taco is my ex too) has been staring at me and has been talking to me a lot. And he told my friend that he would go back out with me if I wanted to (I will call him curly). So yeaaa....I'm so confused on what to do. I like all of them and I don't know who to chose. But everything went so smoothly and went by fast today and everyone was so nice haha. That's all for today. Also, if I don't write anymore for a while then it's because my power button is broke. But anyways bye.