Video games

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A/n: I really wanted to do this one XD so ya, next is probs 39? Idk, i have a couple requests here on wattpad and on fanfiction so XD

and i kinda added myself in this XD
That's how I act
Sorry for the swearing an d the absence of  shipping

hope you enjoy.

43: "I wonder what it would be like if we were in a videogame."

Ruby squinted his eyes in concentration, staring at the screen in front of him, where pixelated characters moved across the screen

Next to him, a certain brunette was doing the same, holding the control and moving her fingers in time to the game.

Ruby gritted is teeth

I will NOT lose to her.. Not when its her first time playing!

He stopped looking at her, blinking slightly as he saw the screen... His character was basically dead.. while Sapphires.. Was at full health

You have to be kidding me!

he quickly moved his thumbs on the controls to heal, but she was faster

"K.O! Play again?"

Ruby groaned, burying his face in his pillow.

"How the hell did you beat me so easily?"

She raised an eyebrow, "It was easy! You didnt move yer character most of the time."

Ruby mentally facepalmed.

of course.. if i wasnt staring at her..

Wait why was i staring

"Ugh fine."

He stood up, straitening out his clothes, before heading towards the door.

"Where are you goin'?"

"I going to wash my hands,  theyre all sweaty!"

Sapphire snorted, "You really are a priss."



They ended up playing another round of "street fighters" resulting in another loss from ruby

"Goddamn video game!"

Sapphire was quiet for a moment..

"I wonder what would happen if we were in a video game.."_

Ruby raised an eyebrow, "why would you think that?"

Sapphire fell backwards onto a torchic beanbag, "I dunno! just figured it'd be pretty cool! Showin all our adventures and all."

Ruby thought about it for a moment

Actually ya.. That would be kind of cool.. But I'm not saying that

"How do you think it would go?"

"Kinda like this..."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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