Dean Winchester

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Me and Castiel, walk out of my school.
"Why did you say we need Shilo?" I ask
"Because, she's the one who saw him. We have a picture, if she can identify if it is him or not, than, as Dean said, 'it would really help us'." Cass says
"Alright, c'mon Cassie lets get home." I say and start walking, my school is just a block or two away from the house.

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Once were in the house, Sam walks over to me.
"I hope Cass didn't get you during class." He says
"Nah, I was in the hallway." I say
"So, not during class." Dean says looking through this old book.
"You know, it could've been during class." Sam says
"Yeah, but it shouldn't have been." Dean says looking up and straight at me.
"No, it wasn't. It was in between classes." I say looking at Dean with a reassuring look.
"You know, why do you care, anyway?" Sam asks Dean
"What are you talking about?" Dean asks
"I mean, you've been worrying about Lizzie the past few days..." Sam says
I look at Dean, "you have?" I ask "why?" I say
"I don't know what Sammy's talking about." Dean says
"Come on, Dean. You know exactly what I'm talking about." Sam says
"I just don't want her hurt." Dean says quickly
"You don't want me hurt? I can take care of myself Dean! Mr. Winchester I'm sorry, but you really need to have more faith in me, you son of a bitch!" I say and storm off into my room.
I sit on my bed, and Ghost jumps on me.
"Hey, Ghost." I say
Meow, meow meow meow meow?
"Because, Cass brought me home." I answer my cats question.
Ghost, jumps down and lye on his bed.
I take my phone out my back pocket, I punch in the numbers for my dad's phone number.
Ring ring ring ring ring
"Hello?" I hear dad's voice
"Hey, dad." I say
"Hello, Lizard." He says
"Hi." I say
"Hey, I have some depressing news, that I couldn't tell you before... but now your out of the house, so I don't have to deal with you shunning me..." he says
"What is it?" I hold my breath and prepare for the worst
"Well... I'm not your biological father..." he says
I wasn't prepared for that
"What?" I ask
"Yes, your mother was pregnant when we got married. She never talked about your real father. I only know is name." He says
"What's his name?" I ask
"His last name is like something weird, like Winches, or Willow,"
"Winchester?" I ask
"Yeah, that's it!"
"His first name, was like, Don, or Dion"
"Dean?" I ask
"Yeah, how'd you know that?" He asks
"I have to go, bye dad!" I say and hang up.
Dean Winchester is my father? How did that even happen?
"Dean?" I call for him.
I want to talk to him alone...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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