CHAPTER 3: To Hold A Memory

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CHAPTER 3║To Hold A Memory

"Get out of my way" I screamed to some fucker as I ran to catch up to Evans as he ran away with my backpack.

"Oi watch it arsehole" said the fucker

"Well you were in the way "

" No I wasn't you are the one who bumped into ME "

" Well I wouldn't of bumped into you if you weren't in the fucking way "

" Listen you bloody cock-up, I was here first and you just came running like a dog with rabies "

"Bloody cock-up!? excuse me but exactly who the fuck do you think you are you son of a b- "

"The name is Elliot, Elliot Evans, and who are you munchkin "

"Apparently I'm a bloody cock-up " I said as I watched Evans run away.

" Ha funny "

" Jesus fuuuck, my uniform was in my bag and now because of you I'm stuck wearing this sweaty shit for the rest of the day! "I saw as he's eyes roamed down my body in confusion at what I was talking about and for the first time since I crashed into him I saw his face. He was a good looking lad with dark eyes about 1 foot taller than me probably more.

" What's so bad with what you are wearing " he claimed and I rolled my eyes. I was only wearing my track shorts a sports bra and some running shoes.

" Take a picture, it'll last longer" I smirked as I caught me still staring at my body.

His cheeks flushed but he still smirked back and I rolled my eyes once again.

I started walking to the common room and to top it off the fucker... Elliot started walking with me, and i found myself rolling my eyes for about the hundredth time today.

" So you gonna tell me your name or am I gonna have to keep calling you a bloody cock-up or maybe even munchkin "

" Are you American? " I asked suddenly interested in this fucke- I mean Elliot or fucking Elliot's accent.

" Yeah now stop changing the subject "

" Sorry I wasn't trying to, and even if I was why are you so interested in my name? " I pressed

" Well a pretty face must have a pretty name " He flirted and I rolled my eyes. Again.

" Shut up, and the name is Ellison O'Connor but call me Elise "

" O'Connor? " he asked with this face of recognition and mischief.

" That's right, why have a problem with me mate" I said ready to fight fucking Elliot if he dared say something bad about me.

" No, not at all munchkin is just that since I came here a couple days ago I've been hearing your name all around like its a trend" he explained with an amused face.

" Don't they get bored of the same thing like seriously get over it, it happened once or twice or was it more I lost count by now and it stopped happening last week why are they still talking about it, seriously get ov- " I stopped talking about it once I saw the look on fucking Elliot's face.

" What" I asked

" Nothing it's just that you are blabbing around about something and I don't even know what" he explained.

" Oh well its better you don't know"

" Why is it better "

" Doesn't matter you will probably find out next week anyway" I said with an excited face ready for the party happening soon.

"I thought you said you weren't going to do 'it' again? " he asked a question for the millionth time.

" Do you always ask so many questions?"

" I'm a curious person can you blame me"

" So what brings to Manchester? " I said changing the subject

" Like I said I'm curious." He said while we enter the common room.

" Are you seriously going to enter wearing a bra and mini shorts?"

" Why not, having a sexy body is something I like to show off" I smirked and laugh

" Mkay then " he said while unbuttoning his shirt.

" What the hell do you think you are doing"

" Showing off my sexy body" he laughed

I sighed as I replayed the memory for the tenth time in my head. It was the only thing I could do in this hell hole. Entertain myself with what I already know.

I loved that memory, it was the first time I met Elliot. I really did like that memory but it made me sad.

Remembering Elliot and how he always tried to help me, how he always tried to make me do the right thing. But even though I always swore him off he shrugged it off and acted like it never happened.

I tried to change for him, but it was like there was a magnet attracting me to what had been my life for the past four years.

I swear to God if I make it out of this alive I'm going to change, I'm going to stop, for him and for everyone that's been there for me. And for me, so I can be what I always wanted to be. Alive.

I took drugs and I drank because that was was kept me alive that was what I lived for. When I drank, it felt like I was actually living like I was having fun. But it was the opposite, I was killing myself, I wasn't living I was dying and I would much rather live eighty years of discovering what was true fun with true friends than twenty years of coming home drunk at least three times a week with friends who are only friends because to them that's fun.

But I guess that's life or at least that's my life. I chose the wrong choice at an early age and now I'm too screwed to do anything about it.

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