Chapter 5: A Light from Beyond

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Chapter 5 A Light from Beyond

" What!" I half-shouted to Jensen as he poked me with his pencil for the twentieth time since I entered the classroom

"Ms. O'Connor is there something you would like to share with the class" Mrs. Jameson taunted with that disgustingly sweet smile she always puts when something annoys her.

"Umm no?" 

" Was that a question?" Ugh not this shit again

" Just teach your class would you" Jensen rolled his eyes as he spoke

" I would love to continue but it seems you and Ms. O'Connor seem to have your own little lesson go-" she was interrupted mid sentence as the bell ring indicating lunch.

" Thank gooood" Jensen yelled as we walked out. I rolled my eyes and punched him hard in his shoulder for annoying me for the entire period.

" OWW!, WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" wow what a baby I didn't even hit him that hard.

" Oh man up Charlie, and maybe if you hadn't been bothering me for the entire class I wouldn't of hit you. Some people actually want to learn, and I swear to god if I get a bad mark in that subject you are going to wish you never sat next to me!" I threatened, I wouldn't of actually done anything, because, well he is one of my best friends but if I do get a bad mark I will make sure he pays for it. 

By the look on his face I knew my threat worked.

" Why do you always have to solve everything with VIOLENCE!?, plus it's not like you would actually hurt me you love me too much" he said and gave me his best cheeky smile.

" Shut up, would you" I rolled my eyes

" Oh don't worry I love you too" there was an emotion in his eyes as he said it but it left as quickly as it came so I couldn't tell what it was.

" Yeah whatever, you coming to the party this weekend" I asked quickly changing the subject

" I don't know, maybe. Are you?" 

" In all the time, you've known me when have you ever known me to miss a party. Plus I heard the one this weekend was going to be in the twins house, have you seen the size of their pool its huge" 

" So is yours Ellie" My heart fluttered at his nickname.

"Ha like I would ever open my house up for a party, my parents already hate me enough as it. If I had a party in the house they would probably kick me out"  I said, looking to floor in shame.

" STOP! saying that Ellison. Your parents don't hate you" he tried to convince me other wise but I knew the truth.

" OK, on another topic. What are you wearing to the party because if you dress like that they wont let you in" I half-joked.



I wanted to cry so bad right now, but I couldn't and that made me want to cry even more.

Having memories of Amber Miller was one thing, having memories of Michael another thing but when you get memories from your closest friends like Charlie Jensen and Elliot Evans was something that made you feel like you would just shatter into a million pieces. 

The worse part is that I don't even know if I'll ever see them again.

I really wish I could see Elliot again. We didn't exactly end on good terms.

Maybe if I had listened to Elliot before I got stuck in this fucking hell hole, I wouldn't be in this fucking coma. 

Doesn't matter anymore. It's not like I can go back in time. 

Most people would think that if I had the chance to go back in time, I would go as far as to before all this shit began, to before I thought I was living. But no.

I wouldn't go that far. If I did go that far I wouldn't of met the people I know right now, I wouldn't of met Elliot or Charlie.

But if I were to go that far I wouldn't be stuck in a coma. 

So the real question is would I do it, would I go back to when my life was perfect, to when my parents weren't disappointed in me because of the crap I put them through. 

Or would I go back to just the time when I was with Elliot when he was trying to stop me from being a complete arsehole.

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