Wolves United

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Wolves United

I dedicate this chapter to everyone who has read this book, supported it, followed it, and liked/love it. I want to say thank you, and to dedicate this to you!!!!!

Well, actually epilogue. But you get my point.


Four months later, from December 4th.

I flush the toilet, and turn around so I'm leaning against it.

"Sucks shit doesn't it."

"Missy, be nice." Ellie scolds.

Missy scoffs. "She was, is terrible to me while I am pregnant-"

"Sssshhh shut up!" I whisper yell hurriedly. "Wolves are freakin every where! Shut the bloddy hell up, before I shove my foot down your throat!"

Missy leans towards Ellie and whispers. "She's an angry pregnant lady."

Missy, Ellie, and me are all chilling on the bathroom floor. Missy is nine months, two weeks, and one day pregnant. Her belly is huge, and she has Vince wrapped around her finger like a vine. She is due in a couple weeks, and everyone is trying to get the nursery ready. I have been experiencing nausea for the past month or so. I can't really remember when it started, with everything going on. My clothes have also seemed a bit tighter. But I thought that, that was because I was eating more, and not doing anything physical. Well shit. I am prego. Way to remember the signs of pregnancy Fallon. You done goofed it good this time.

But the reason that we are hiding out in the bathroom is because people are all over this place, and they usually need to talk to us about something. And, mom is somewhere around here. Or she is at the house on Earth. Because of the fact that this place isn't going to be done until at least next winter at least, and that's just hoping for the outside to be done, the inside will still mostly be skeletal. Missy and Vince are moving in with us, mom is planning everything. And I mean everything. Where they're room is going to be, where there nursery is. She is seven months pregnant, and her hormones are everywhere. Dad is just saying yes to her, so she won't go off on a rant. Again.

Right now my old pack is giving a helping hand in building this place. So are a lot of other packs, actually. At first they were skeptical, but now with every day passing, more packs are helping us. Whether it's helping with building the castle, building up the town, clearing the forest so houses can be built. Having people watch over the kids. They have been really helpful, whithout them this process would have been extremely slow. painful, and not to mention stressful.

Since me and Bash were declared as the rouge king and queen, less pack wars have happened, and almost all the packs are getting along. Almost. It seems that every wolf is more united with each other. Well, I guess we have taken the fear out of packs. Since we are now 'controlling' rouges, there really isn't a reason to be afraid. Unless you encounter a wild, than you should be hella afraid, and run like hella fast.

The door was thrown open and Cory walks in. He shuts it behind him, and leans against it, with his eyes closed. He sighs in relief. He opens his eyes, and let's out a girly scream, while jumping a foot in the air and holding his chest.

"Welcome to the hiding from all the crazy people club. Come pop a squat." Missy says while patting the spot beside her.

He walks over to us and sits down. "Crazy people are everywhere! Monique is looking everywhere for the three of you, but since she couldn't find you guys, she got me. By the way, why do we even need to start planning what this place is going to look like, when it's going to be a really long time before it's actually done." He pauses, and looks around the bathroom. It was quite roomy actually. "Why did everyone decide that hiding in a bathroom was a good idea?"

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