Don't waste your time on me.

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I started to walk towards an opening. This place was deserted. I don't even know what this place is. Probably some closed down park. Real question is how did Spence find this place.  

"Spence? Come on. This isn't funny." I reached the opening. Nothing but an opened field. Some torn down trees, that left stumps, and a stream. The sound of its water surrounding me. I sighed, running my hand over the black hat on my head. 

Someone leaped on my back, making me smack the variety of twigs. I groaned and turned over. Spencer laid on top of me.

"Did I scare you?" She laughed. My body ached, and I was out of breathe. "Yes, Spence, you did." She smiled and laid her head on my chest. She picked the loose strings to my jacket, as we caught our breathe. We sat in silence. A peaceful one with nothing but our heavy breathing, which slowly slowed.

"Why'd you hide?" I asked. She picked her head up and stared into my eyes. Her brown eyes always looked bright. They never failed to shine. Even in her darkest of days. She was naturally happy.

"To see if you'd try to find me.." She whispered. Her eyes fell back to my loose strings. Picking mindlessly at them. "What makes you think I wouldn't?" She looked at me again. Her cold, minty breathe blowing on my face as she pumped air from her nose to her mouth.

Her big brown eyes caught mine again. Her big pupils sucking up most of its beautiful color. Her eyelashes naturally long and full. She never wore makeup. Her face was natural. No lipstick was needed to make her lips the light pink they were. She smiled. "I like when you worry about me." She ended with a small giggle.

"Why?" Never could my blue pools compare to her brown trances. Small pupils and short eyelashes. A dull look of boredom. Her beauty made me look like shit. Her fingers walked my arm. Back and forth. It was a relaxing feeling; to feel the coldness of her fingertips press through my sweater.

"I like to know that at least someone cares about me y'know?" She paused. Pressing her lips together. In thought of what to finish her sentence with. Her never ending smile faded. A solemn look took her features, as her dilated pupils decreased. Her face reminded me of a reflection. One I couldn't misplace. Mine.

I sat up a bit. Pushing mine and some of her weight to my elbows. "Fuck everyone else. I care about you. That's all you need." My mind told me to force a smile. Make my words sound convincing. Something in me. Something I never used before; did it on its on. Pushing the corners of my lips up. Puffing my stern cheeks. My heart.

"Same goes for me Rickster." She blushed. Quickly her lips were attached to my cheek. My tense features and posture somehow out of my control, fell. I relaxed in a pool of goop. This cold weather was nothing to me, but my goosebumps made me shiver.

I feel as if my heart is doing a lot of my thinking today. Taking the wheel from my brain. From major, it became private. A boost in my way of living. I saw her as a sister I never had. Even though I do have a sister. Met her once. Looks a lot like me.  

She was brave. She never feared much. As ugly and fucked up the world is, she only sees its beauty. I envied that of her. Her face fell to the crook of my neck. Her lips grazed my skin. Lying is something I don't fall front for. I did have some feelings for Spencer. Were they feelings or was it a sudden crave for her presence.

"You're going to need a partner for this project so please everyone pair up."

This was one of the worst things about school; group projects. I hate having to work with people. I hate having to depend on other people, instead of myself. Even though I suck at science, I think I'm better off alone. It's not like anyone's gonna pick me as their partner.

Take me anywhere, I don't care (Ricky Horror story)Where stories live. Discover now