Chapter two

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The door was unlocked and opened a crack. As I walked in I was stunned . My clothes lay scattered all over the room. The blankets were ripped off the bed. A chair lay broken on the floor. My suitcase that had held all of my cash and concert tickets was gone. I straightened the room up the best I could. While doing so I gathered what little they left .me.

Three t-shirts, two pairs of pants, one bra, and an empty backpack. Why in the world would they take my tooth brush? I wondered. I put everything in the small backpack, even my purse because I knew I couldn't stay here. What if they come back? They could kill me. Or kidnap me. As I was leaving I noticed something sticking out from under the bed.

"My credit card! Oh thank goodness!...... NOO!!" I screamed . In my hand I was holding half of my card. Only HALF!!!! I threw it at the wall and walked out of my room to the office.

"Give me my money back!" I demand to the man who sold me the room for the night.

"Sorry sweet cheeks no refunds." He smirked.

"My room was broken in and they took all my money and snapped my credit card!" I yelled.

"Hey now little lady no need to get loud."

"Yes there is! You didn't stop people from breaking into my room. And I didn't stay for the night only a few hours. Now give me my money."

"Like I said there is nothing I can do."

"Fine. I'll just call the cops on your ass." His eyes widened.

"Woah woah woah! We don't have to go there. I'm sure theres something we can work out." He nervous said.

"Then give me my money back, you old fart."

"No can do. I already took everything to the bank."

"That must be when they broke in. Show me your security cameras."

"They're... they're.... they're fake. The cameras don't really work. They're just for show. To scare people off." He looked down.

"Then how am I going to find out who broke into my room?!?" I demanded.

"He said he was your boyfriend! He gave me this picture of you guys to prove it. " He slid a picture to me. "He said he wanted to surprise you "

"That's obviously NOT me!!" The picture was of a bleach blonde girl in short shorts and a bikini top .

"How was I supposed to remember what you looked like?" He asked.

"I have dirty blonde curly hair that I'm pretty sure you can't miss and I'm obviously not that skinny. I mean I'm not fat but I'm not a stick either!"

"Look kid , I'm sorry. But I can't help you . Please don't call cops. "

"Fine. Only of you give me a little cash. All I have is a fifty and I need a little more to make it anywhere." He looked at me and contemplated giving me money .

"Fine. I'll give you fifty more." He pulled out a fifty and handed to me.

"You better hope you never see me again."

"Look miss I really am sorry but next time you come to L.A. maybe you sould be more prepared."

"And maybe you shouldn't be such a dumb ass. Where is the closest gas station ?" I asked .

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