Chapter One

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Hey guys this is my first Fanfiction! Hope you like it!! Please remember to vote and comment! Leave suggestions too !!!

"You have been an amazing crowd L.A.!" Liam yelled.

"We will miss you guys so much!" Harry said with a tear in his eye.

"You guys mean so much to much to us. And we can't thank you enough for your support the past 6 year!" Louis stood there with tear stained cheeks.

"We have been through a lot... together as a family." Zayn said as he put his arm around Louis' shoulder.

"It's hurts us so much to say goodbye. We wouldn't do it if we didn't have to. But we feel it's best that this should be our last amazing year." Niall said and began bawling. Harry grabbed him and wrapped him in a hug.

"No matter how many places we go on this final tour, it always kills us to say goodbye because it feels like the last." Liam then went over to hug Harry and Niall.

"So L.A., this is goodbye." Zayn said. All five boys gathered in one group hug.

On the large screen behind them played a clip of their time together. Moments on the stairs , music awards , their movies and more. This was the second time I have seen this video and still can't help to cry.

I'm not just crying for my boys. I'm crying for me. Because I know this will be the final year of my life. When One Direction ends as a band I am going to die. I can't live without them. I know I may sound over dramatic but it's true. They are the only people here for me. My family doesn't care about me and I have no friends. The boys are the only reason I am here. And I thank them for that.

The boys did a final bow and slowly walked back stage. As I looked are I saw what the damage was. Girls all over were crying and holding each other. Because I was on the front row I saw a lot of the people. Girls were holding on to their friends, mothers, boyfriends and even random strangers. I had no one to hold so I stood there and they it sink in for the second time. The lights in the arena flickered on. And the people began to disperse.

As I walked I flicked through my phone and smiled at all the amazing pictures I had taken . This was one of the only reasons I was happy my parents were rich because that ment I had a large allowance.

"Front row Hu?" I jumped at the voice. The voice belonged to a girl with wavy brown hair and bright green eyes.

"Uh yeah how did you guess?" I asked. We were standing by the entrance of the arena , and people bumped into us as the exited in tears.

"The pictures on your phone. The distance where they were taken, I only guessed you were close to the stage. I didn't mean to snoop over your shoulder or anything. "

"Oh yeah, um I was second row." I replied.

"I'm McKenzie Durslit" She smiled.

"I'm Erin Baker."

"Well it was nice meeting you Erin but I have to go. My friends are waiting for me."

"Yeah it was cool to meet you Mckenzie." She walked out the doors and I slowly followed.

It was a hot L.A. night. I could feel the humidity in the air. I wasn't worried about my curls getting all frizzy and I knew traffic would be packed so I was in no rush.

"Do you have a tissue?" A guy --I could only guess was gay-- asked me. I dug one out of my purse and asked,

"One Direction?"

"Oh my god yes!! I am so tore up! My boyfriend was right about them ending!" He sobbed and walked off. I laughed at him and his love for One Direction. None of the boys were gay so even of he did meet them, he would never have a chance.

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