Chapter Three

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     Am I dead ? Slowly I regained conscious along with the throbbing pain in my head.  Everything around me was blurry. I rubbed my eyes and blinked multiple times and slowly did I begin to comprehend were I was. A bus? How in the world did I get on a bus?

    Memories from the previous night rushed over me. My stolen car, broken in hotel room, snapped credit card, and the man in the car, and Niall Horan.

       "Ughhh." I moaned and flopped back down into the couch I was laying on. I noticed I was wearing completely different clothes. I had on men's boxers and a BOARDER COLLIE t-shirt on. Theses definitely were not my clothes.

       I stood up only to fall back down. I have to get up! I demand myself up. Once again I stood up but before I could fall back down I caught myself on the wall beside me. I stumbled around for a moment trying to regain my balance. I opened the door in front of me and slowly crept out.
 .   His laughter was the first thing I heard when I walked out . His laugh itself could brighten up any mood . The sweet sound filled my ears like angles singing . Niall's laugh was one of my favorite things about him.
    The boys had their backs turned from me and they  were playing Fifa . They were obviously having fun which made me smile. They were being themselves. They went pretending for cameras or anyone. These were the five boys I grew up loving .

      I walked to them using the walls for support. I didn't see the shoe in the floor and I tripped over it and landed in the floor with a loud thud. All five of the boys turned around and saw me on the floor. They all jumped up to come and help me .
      "Ah crap." Liam quickly jumped over the couch and got to me first. He scooped me into his arms and carried me to the couch.
      "I'm fine, really." I said.
      "If you were fine you wouldn't have fallen." Harry said.
      "Maybe you should rest some more." Zayn said.
      "I promise I'm ok. Just a little dizzy."
      "What's your name ?" Niall asked and the boys smirked at each other.
       "Erin. Erin Baker ." I blushed . I was really surprised I wasn't freaking out and having a fangirl moment.
       "I'm going to guess you already know me and the lads."
       "Who doesn't know you guys?" I laughed. They all smiled which made me smile even more.
       "Who's clothes am I wearing?" I asked even though I already knew they were Niall's.
        "They're......they're mine." Niall said.
        "I figured. But how did I get them on?" Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Harry looked at Niall as he blushed once again.
        "We have been on the road for hours since we picked you up, and this is our first stop so I'm going to get some food." Liam said.
        "Yeah...... me too." Zayn said.
        "C'mon Harold lets play some ball." Louis jumped up grabbing a soccer (football) ball .
        "Sure. You guys can come too or ... stay and talk some. See ya later Erin." Harry kissed my cheek and winked at Niall. They all left the bus leaving me and Niall alone.
         'OH MY GOSH!!! HARRY STYLES JUST KISSED ME!' In my head I was completely freaking out but on the outside I was in pain. My head hurt the worst and I could feel a small cut on my forehead and upper lip. There were scratches on my knees and my feet were blistered.
         There was a small moment of awkward silence but I didn't mind it. I could smell Niall's cologne from were I was sitting. His hair was a little messy. It wasn't spiked up like it usually is during concerts. It was flattened and folded to the side. He wore a pair of ball shorts and a white t-shirt. His eyes were even more gorgeous in person. I probably looked horrendous.
              "You look lovely if that's whatcha wondering" Niall spoke breaking the silence.
              "Would you mind answering how I got in these clothes now? Nobody told me yet." I responded.
              "I... I um..... your shirt was already off. And your pants weren't in to good of a shape either. I didn't think you'd want to wake up shirtless and in dirty pants."
              "So you changed my clothes?"
              "I didn't do anything else if thats watcha wondering."
              "No! I was just... just wanted to... thank you Niall." I smiled.
              "Oh shoot.!" Niall jumped up and ran to the semi kitchen that the bus had. "Your head probably hurts." He gave me some water and medicine.
              "Yeah. I had a crazy night." Taking the water from him.
              "Do you mind explaining that ? Why we're you walking alone that late at night?"
              "I-" I started to cry. I couldn't do it. I couldn't explain to him what happened and live through it again. My wasted money, stolen car, the man. It was all to much.
               "Erin I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. We don't have to talk about it yet." He was holding me in his arms as I sobbed. He was so warm. I could hear his heart beating as my head lay on his chest.
               "Erin don't cry. You can stay with us as long as you need darlin. We can talk about everything when you're ready. Shhhh. It's going to be ok. I promise." 
             We heard laughter from outside of the door. Then the doors busted open and all four of the guys came in with Paul following them.
                "How did you know I was there?" Louis asked Paul.
               "Because I have been living on the road with you guys for about 6 years. I know your tricks." Paul replied laughing.
                "Not all of them."
                "Believe what you want Louis."  They all got quiet when they saw me crying and Niall holding me.
                "Niall mate, what did you do to her?" Zayn asked sitting next to me and began rubbing my back.
                "I didn't do a thing!" Niall wiped my tears .
                "Erin honey. Do you know who I am?" Paul asked as everyone st down around me.
                 "Yes ." I replied.
                 "We want to help you. So we need to know what happened." I didn't want them to see me cry again.
                 "I don't think I can relive it. " I said.
                 "Was is really that bad babe?" Harry asked.
                 "I mean.... not really. Not for most people but I'm not like most people. "
           "Paul maybe we should wait a while." Liam said.
 .         "We need to make sure she's not-" Louis interrupted Paul mid sentence,

                 "Paul mate, loosen up a bit."
                "Fine. Two days." Paul demanded.
               "But that's the next-"
                "Concert. I know. Look, I've got to run. It was nice meeting you Erin." He interrupted Louis then left the bus.
                "Don't mind him Erin he's under a lot of stress with the last tour and all." Liam said.
                "Yeah, Paul is a really great guy ." Niall said.
                "Erin we got you some clothes. We thought you might be more comfortable in some girl clothes." Zayn said.
                "I mean unless you want to stay in Niall's clothes." Harry laughed handing me a bag of clothes.
                "Thanks ." I said.
                "The bathroom is through that door." Niall said pointing me to the bathroom. "There's a shower in there too. If you want to clean up some."
                Harry helped me up and led me to the small bathroom. "Just yell at us if you need anything. Towels, shampoo and everything is in there. "
             The bathroom was small. Like really really small. I barely had any room to get out of Niall's clothes. The warm water felt amazing on my cold body. The water ran on me white and off me a light brown color from all the dirt. I scrubbed my body and hair multiple times just to make sure I didn't miss anything. But as I was cleaning I was singing.
                                 I've got a fire for a heart
 .                         .     I'm not scared of the dark
 .                       You've never seen it look so easy

  I've got a river for a soul
  And baby you're a boat
  Baby you're my only reason

  If I didn't have you
  There would be nothing left
  The shell of a man,
  Who could never be his best

   If I didn't have you
   I'd never seen the sun
   You taught me how to be someone
   All my life
   you stood by me
   When no one else
  was ever behind me

   All these lights
   Can't blind me
   With your love
   Nobody can drag me down

             Before I could even finish the song I sunk down in the shower and started sobbing . I cried for everything that has happened. My stolen car , wasted money , my mother and father not carrying about me and how they never pay any attention to me. How my little brother Kyle completely hates my cuts and wishes me dead, and how before my older brother graduated he tried to fix me but as soon as he graduated he left and never looked back. He didn't bother to say goodbye, and has only called me three times in the past three years of graduating. My childhood friend is now my worst enemy for a reason unknown to me. I also cried for the boys. For their final year and mine as well. My life has become a living hell.



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