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you want to trust him

but can you?


but you're afraid

you're afraid of him


if its not his past then why?

is it cause he seems distant?

or is it cause of your past

he says he won't hurt you

but that doesn't mean anything to you

everyone said that before hurting you

thats why you don't believe that right?

but why afraid of him?

stop comparing him to everyone else

you're afraid of him

you're afraid to trust him

maybe cause your afraid that once he has your trust he'll hurt you

but thats not really why your afraid of him right?

maybe its cause hes hard to understand

cause you can't figure out whats going through his mind

you're afraid cause you can't understand him

you wish he didn't seem so distant

but that shouldn't matter


its not like telling him that will change anything

so why bother

he'll never understand why you're afraid of him

but neither do you

thats a lie

you know why

but you're afraid to tell him

you're afraid to let him in

you're afraid of falling in love with him

you know what else you're afraid of?

you're afraid of telling him how you feel

you're afraid of telling him what you're really thinking

you're afraid to be yourself with him

you don't want to bother him

so you lie, sometimes

you hide how you feel

sometimes you say how you feel

but regret it right after

cause you feel like your annoying him with your problems

you never say what you're thinking

cause you're afraid he'll get mad

you remember the last time he was mad

and so you say what you think won't get him mad

you never liked it when people were mad at you

you would always cry when someone was mad at you or yelled at you

thats why

its not that you can't trust him

but that you are afraid of getting close

cause you know he'll never like someone like you

so you stop yourself from trusting him

cause if you don't trust him you can't get any closer

but maybe its also cause hes hard to understand

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