Chapter 1: Just a dream

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"I had a nice time." Callie told Dan. Dan smiled. He turned off the keys to his green pick up.

"Dan," Callie said. Dan looked at his girlfriend.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be perfectly fine." Callie said. Dan kissed her forehead.

"I can't help it." Dan admitted not too far from her forehead.

"As long as your mine, I'm okay." Callie said taking his face in her hands. Dan smiled and kissed her, on the lips this time.

"Wanna come in?" Dan asked her. Callie smiled.

"Sure, I'd like to." Callie agreed. Dan did his best not to step into mud as he ran to Callie's side of the truck. Callie smiled, Dan could swear she was an angel from heaven. Or heaven's heaven.

Her petite form made her easy to carry, her light weight made her easy to spin in a hug. Callie had framing chocolate brown loose curly hair that suited her cocoa eyes. Now because of the school dance they had gone to, prom, so she wore a simple silk sea green dress with spaghetti straps that hung the dress perfectly on her shoulders. The dress stopped right at her ankles, one the of the things Dan loved about her.

She was so modest. Dan smiled as she took his hand to help her out of the truck.

"Come on my lady." Dan said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. If Dan had a say now, he would ask her to be his soulmate.

"Waaaaa! Waaaa!" Cynthia, Amy and Jake's daughter, wailed like a siren.

"I didn't know she was coming tonight." Dan whispered. His niece was about seven months old, born on October 12 2014. Callie smiled and walked into the living room. Dan followed behind her and saw Cynthia's little portable crib in the living room. "Hey, it's okay sweetie." Callie said leaning foreword and picked up the wailing siren disguised as an infant. "Shhhh. What's wrong little one?" Callie tried. Dan marveled at his girlfriend, she had a way with children that Dan had never seen before. The baby's weeping calmed.

"You, are incredible." Dan said quietly so the baby would calm. Callie beamed.

"Oh Kiddo." A voice said. Dan turned and saw Nellie in the doorway. Her hair in a bun, her clothes still in her work uniform. That she despised, her eyeliner and mascara streamed down her face from tear trails.

"Nellie, what's wrong?" Callie whispered. Nellie looked at them and covered her mouth.

"I'm so sorry Dan, she tried. She ran and fought. Jake tried to help but the gun went off." Nellie brought her head down and continued to sob, uncontrollably making some snorting sounds. Dan had a feeling of lead dropping inside of him. I really hope, I really hope she doesn't mean what I think she means.

"Nellie dear, please, what's wrong?" Callie said putting a hand on Nellie's forearm.

"She was shot about the time you left." Nellie tried and took a deep breath. "Dan, I'm so sorry. She is gone. She was murdered." Nellie said and doubled over sobbing in grief for a murdered Cahill.

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