After School

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nialls POV

i decided after school to go to allies house, and explain to her what has been going on with me. and why i was desprete to have sex with zoey in the bathroom. Cause my dad died when i was 2  so i dont remember anything about him.And my mom died 6 days ago and i have just been difrent. she died in a car crash. and when i got the call to go to the hospital i knew something horrible was gonna happen. and the next orning she died.anyway as i was walking to my car i saw zoey walk up to me she pressed her body on top of me. this girl is just wierd shes obbseed with me.

i told her "listen zoey i only had sex with you cause i was stressed out about something and i needed to get my mind off of thing." zoey said " ohh thats Ok it doesnt mean we have to stop."

"No we cant, i have a girlfriend" 

"so you already fucked me, its not gonna make a diffrence if u do it again." she said 

"ok that was just a one time thing to get my mind of it, and i dont even like you, and i have a girlfriend, end of conversation bi zoey"

i got in my car and i typed in allies addres into my navigation system and i was on my was. Before i went to allies house i stopped at walgreens to get her an I'm sorry card and her favorite candy bar a snickers king sized.after i payed i went to my car, grabbed a pen and started writing a note on the card about why i did what i did. i told her everything on that car. as i got to her house i grabbed the candy and card and knocked on the door. she answer and said what can i help you with. 

"listen allie i need to talk to you."

"im not allie im her twin sister paige allies upstairs if you wanna talk to her"


i went up to allie's room and knocked on her door, she answered and said 

"niall what are you doing here?"

" i wanted to give you this, listen i know your mad at me for what happend yesterday but the card will tell you everything, im sorry ok."

allies POV

i read the note, and i understood why niall did what he did, and i was still a little upset with him but i forgave him.

"niall it's ok i am so sorry, i didnt know."

"its ok i should have told you anyways"

"its my falt that i got jelous i am soooooooo sorry" i said

"no its fine, but can you still show me around" he said

"of course i will"

we started walking around and i showed him the mall and all of my favorite resturants, then i showed him the beach. we were walking on the shore line and he suddenly stopped and looked at meand said "have i ever told you how beautiful you are" i blush and i just smiled. then he said thanks for forgiving me after what i did, i was such a retard"

" its ok niall i should have not over reacted"

the sun was starting to go down so we just stood there wacthing it, and right when the sky was the prettiest orange he turned me around so i would face him and then he kissed me. i was a little shocked at first, but i didnt stop him i kissed him back and after about one minute we pulled away to catch our breath, and we could not stop smiling then he asked me one question i was not expecting.

"allie will you be my girlfriend"

i was smilling so much i couldnt think of words so i just nodded my head and he kissed me again. when he pulled away the sun was just dissapearing and he said that he would walk me home. while we where walking he said that he was going to take me out to a fancy dinner tomarrow night so wear a nice dress. i said ok and i still could not whip the smile of my face. tonight was the best night ever!


thanks for reading, the next chapter will be really good so please keep reading





~ellie and fifi <3 

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