True feelings (Princeton)

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You sat in the garden and picked a flower out of the ground. You were at prince’s house waiting for him to come back out since he said he had to use the bathroom. Truth was , you were prince’s best friend and you liked him alot. Instead of him coming out his mom did , She smiled at you and you smiled back while getting off the ground and dropping the flower on the ground. She hugged you and you hugged her back. “You okay?” She asked you , looking concerned. “Yeaa , I’m fine” You replied while nodding. “You don’t wanna come in?” You shook your head no and said you would rather stay outside. She nodded and hugged you again , while making her way inside. You sat in the garden again and picked up the same flower you had before. You slowly picked off a petal and sighed , “He loves me..” You mumbled. “He loves me not.” Just as you picked off another petal and said he loves me again prince came out of the house. “Who loves you?” He asked while walking over to you. You quickly dropped the flower and shook your head. “Oh , nobody..” You said nervously. Prince looked at you and sat beside you , “Your lying y/n .. I thought we agreed we wouldn’t lie to each other.” You shook your head and laughed “I’m not lying prince , I swear.” You said. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders “Okaay y/n , whatever you say. I’m gonna find out one of these days though ..” You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand. “C’mon prince , lets go back to my place.”

2 months later..

You sat on your bed and begin writing in your diary. You wrote ;

Dear diary , I am now madly in love with prince. His eyes are gorgeous and of course his soft curly afro is to die for. I know he would never like me and only think of me as his best friend. So therefore I shall never tell him about my crush on him. I won’t tell anyone. I love it when he hugs me , he smells so goo-

Just as you begin to write the word good prince snatches your diary away from you. You gasp and try to grab it but he puts it high in the air. “No prince give it back !” You yell jumping up in the air trying to grab it. He chuckles and begins running downstairs with you chasing after him , He begins reading what you wrote out loud. “Dear diary I am now madly in love with prince” He yells , then he stops running and realizes what he just said. You stop chasing him , and turn around hiding your face away from him. Suddenly you feel warm arms wrap around your waist and your body against another body. “I’m in love with you to..” Prince whispers in your ear. Your heart skips a beat as he turns you around and pushes you up against a wall. “So that’s what you were talking about when you said he loves me that day at my house.” You slowly nod your head and he smiles and kisses you. You kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.He plunges his tongue in your mouth and rubs his tongue against yours , making you moan. Both of your tongues begin playing with each other and you pull away from the kiss. He puts his forehead on yours , his curls tickling your face. “I love you y/n .. I can’t hide it anymore” He whispers. “I can’t either prince.” You mumble while you grab his shirt and kiss him again..

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