you're a piece of work, you know that?
i don't give you anything
you just are.
you are stars and galaxies and universes.
i see where you are broken
but that's okay
they tell me that people like me,
we tend to overlook the flaws in others
my eyes may be distorted,
i may be looking through roses
but you are.
and oh, you are rain, the clouds, the sun
i am but a pretty little flower
you happened to see
and pick up
and put in your pocket,
my beauty shrouded by all the other petals
in the same pocket.
i want to matter to you.
but if you want to rain on me
i'll turn a blind eye,
and say it's only partly cloudy.
Poetrya poetry series after free the poems. about touch and emotions, and above all, love. this is the phoenix from the ashes. - - - image credit: silverscents.tumblr