With Flow Part 3

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After being awed at how such a small town could have such a big highschool, I found the office and i got my schedule. Im taking all of the same classes I did in California. Since back home I was in this AP program that sets up your whole highschool scuelduale, Im kindd of one year ahead in my classes. So I could actually graduate my junior year...ah who cares.

The bell rang like 3 minutes ago so I was late already to Mrs.Hertz for Geometry. I hated this class so bad back home, my last teacher would always say your honors students you should get this instanly, if not study. Like uh why dont you teach it better instead?

 I turned the knob i wasnt surprised to see everyone staring back at me. Not in a concieted way, its just like a reflex in class when the door opens you kind of just have to look? 

Its still awkward for the person coming in tho, thank god i don't blush. I walked toward the teacher and handed her my schedule.

All I could think about was please don't make me talk. 



"Ah our new student!" She said while smiling and turning off the monitor.

"would you like to say some words about your self please" 

It wasnt a question it was a comand. She sat down in her chair and leaned on one arm waiting for me to speak.

"Not really. But i guess i have too." I smiled back after realizing that might have been a little rude which caused the class to laugh. "Hm names Alex, Im from California and yea.."

I turned toward mrs.hertz hoping that was enough. 

"Okay alex you can go sit in the back"pointing at an empty seat. 

I followed her finger to a seat non other than Matt. Joy.

Every single girl in class was glaring their eyes out at me. Except one. Well that's interesting. 

He smiled at me when I sat down.

The teacher started to do some Shakespeare stuff that i did last year. Wow i guess the California education system isn't that fucked up as the teachers over they're tell us it is. 

Twenty minutes passed which i spent doodling while the teacher led a discussion. 

I looked up and wow they're still glaring! 

"Don't worry bout them there just jelous, you problably figured it out by now" the girl in front of me looked at Matt and he winked. 

"uhh.." she said with a grossed out face. 

"Why? I don't even know the damn guy." 

" Because... Well you'll find out soon i guess. Everyone does." 

We hit it off her names Rennay .... 


The class had ended and she left but we had 4th period together so ill problably see her later. 

I started putting my bag on when I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

"I heard your little convo, and you may not know me yet but you can get to know me" with a smirk on his face. yup matt. 

"Actually how about I don't, and you get out of my way"

I started walking toward the door. 

"Well im not as bad as it seems you know" 

"Yeah... you only make girls fall for you, get what you want, and then get rid of them after your bored. not that bad at all" with a smile on my face " Trust me, there's guys like you everywhere. But hey, toot and boot it right?" I said and winked at him before I walked away. 

His expression was price less.  

He just stood there with a dropped jaw haha.

The niggs got told.  

Good job, I deserve a pat on the back. I thought making me laugh.


the pic on your right is Matt(:

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