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"Ah... That's the feeling I'm used to in the morning."

Twilight awoke in pain.

She slowly opened her bleary eyes.

"Oh my!" a soft voice exclaimed, "Girls! I think she's waking up!"

As her eyes attempted to focused, Twilight could make out the distinct color schemes of all her friends plus the two additional figures of Catcher and Screw Loose.

"Girls?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, it's us Twilight." Fluttershy replied gently.

"I'm here too mistress!" Screw Loose happily proclaimed, "You sure showed those wood-wolves mistress! But please don't catch on fire in here... this place is kind of... flammable."

Twilight suddenly became very focused very fast. "Are Applebloom and Sweetiebell safe?" she flailed her limbs, bicycling until she flipped and could stand up.

A little woozy, but otherwise alright, Twilight looked around the gathered ponies. She looked to Applejack and Rarity. Neither looked like they were mourning the loss of their sisters.

"They're fine Twilight. Thanks to you." Fluttershy reassured.

"Oh thank Celestia!" Twilight said, slacking up a bit.

Applejack stepped up to Twilight, "Twi, I need ta' thank ya' for saving Applebloom 'n me." The farm pony's expression began to crack, "I was-" it broke as she threw her hooves around Twilight's neck, "I was so scared!" she sobbed "I thought I was gonna lose ma' sister!"

Twilight allowed the farm pony to cry into her coat unabashed.

After some time and many tears, Applejack gave one final squeeze and backed off of Twilight.

Rarity came up next, "I was not made aware that Sweetiebell was in danger until she didn't come home. I merely assumed she was staying over with Applebloom until I went over to the farm to make sure." the fashion pony looked Twilight in the eyes, "If what I'm told is accurate, I owe you a great debt Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight turned to the pegasus healer, "Fluttershy, could you please translate for me?" She gave a nod and Twilight began, looking the fashonista in the eyes as Fluttershy translated. "Don't worry about it Rarity, I know you would have done the same for Spike and me."

Rainbow Dash lifted off of the ground, "Ok! Ok! Now that we've gotten all the sappy stuff out of the way, I have two important questions. First, who are these ponies?" she floated directly above Catcher and Screw Loose and pointed strait down at them like they were statues in a garden.

With Fluttershy as intermediary she introduced the pair, hoofshakes were extended to Catcher, but Screw Loose was another matter.

"Aren't you just darling! That snow-drift mane! That summer-sky blue coat! Surely you must take the best care of yourself!" Screw loose tilted her head in confusion at the babbling pony. "You simply must tell me how you manage to keep your coat's luster so- so- natural! Is it-"

As the white mare continued to ramble, Screw Loose could see her gesturing to her body.

Oh! Is my fur mussed?

Screw Loose was not a perfectionist in any regard, but she knew if she presented poorly, it reflected back on the pack leader, and she couldn't have that.

"-or is it some kind of herbal conditioner? I must know!"

Rarity's question was answered by an unwitting demonstration of the mare's particular coat-care techniques.

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