An Apple in the Wolf's Mouth

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The trot over to the Sweet Apple Acres was a lot more enjoyable than their earlier trip to the bakery. Twilight chalked up the difference to the fact she was no longer enduring the ache of unappeased hunger.

She was now firmly adamant she had to try Pinkie' signature egg assortment sometime she was less ravenous ...and less carnivorous.

As the Twilight and Fluttershy passed under the gateway to the Acres, they could once again see the familiar light of the farmhouse.

"Fluttershy, how about you go first this time? I'd rather not get bucked in the face by Granny Smith or Big Mac." Twilight dropped back a little so Fluttershy was now leading.

"...but what if they are all asleep. I don't want to wake them up, or what if they're doing something del-" the demure mare responded as she exponentially decreased her speed approaching the door.

Twilight got behind her timid friend and pushed, "Come on Fluttershy, it's not like you're doing this alone! I'll be right back there. I just don't want the first thing they see to be-"

As if by prophetic vision, the next thing to happen was exactly what Twilight was attempting to avoid.

"Get away from Fluttershy you varmint!" the Apple yelled, coming out the front door. Before she could react, or Fluttershy could say anything, the Apple had run over and impacted Twilight as hard as she could.

...but while no one could discredit her bravery, Applebloom was not getting her wolf-fighting cutie mark today.

Twilight watched as the filly charged straight at her in an apparent attempt to tackle. She couldn't dodge in time and the little filly impacted tight into her, and bounced right back off.

Twilight didn't want the filly to try again (and hurt herself) so she did something she knew dogs commonly did with pups who were getting in over their heads. She bent down and picked up the filly by the scruff of the neck.

"Help! Applejack! Big Mac! I'm being eaten!"

Twilight supposed it wasn't the most accurate assessment of the situation, but it could still raise problems.

Applejack was the first to the door. As she came out her expression turned from fear to anger as she saw the wolf with her sister in its mouth, but when she took notice of Fluttershy (and the lack of filly eating going on) her expression turned to relieved amusement.

Twilight was trying her best to not drop the flailing filly.

"Help! Sis! It's got me!" Applebloom's little limbs reached towards her sister in desperation.

Applejack was struck by the strangely humorous sight. "Calm down there Applebloom, Twi's not gonna eat ya."

Twilight gently lowered and released Applebloom who ran over to the safety of her sister's undercarriage.

"Fluttershy? Ya mind taking little Applebloom here off to bed? I'd like to talk with Twi for a bit."

Fluttershy looked to Twilight, silently questioning if she'd be alright with it, and with a nod from Twilight, Fluttershy collected the frightened filly and went inside, leaving a mare and a wolf standing outside the farmhouse.

Applejack coughed "So, uh, Twi..." she shifted awkwardly, looking away from her canine friend, "I'm not gonna make excuses for what happened this morning, but believe me when I say I'm sorry about hittin' ya in the gut. I'll make it up to ya. I swear to it on the Apple name. Just say it and I'll do whatever you want to get you to forgive me." tears began to form around her eyes as her apology became less and less rehearsed, "Really Twi, I may not have been the best friend to ya so far, what with denying your help when ya offer it, and with me being the first to decide to offer comfort to the changeling cadence before the wedding and..." Applejack was hardly coherent through her sobbing now. "...and I've been thinking... It actually took me seriously hurting one of my friends to do it, but I thought back to all the times that I've not been the best friend to ya' and it's just like it all came together at once... I'm so sorry Twilight, really, I'm so sorry..." the sobbing mare spent a few minutes composing herself before continuing. "You always said it wasn't my fault afterward, but my silly pride was keeping me from seeing that I wasn't practicing what I preached. I was just..." she choked up again before she could finish. "Now look at me! I couldn't even say it to you when you were... I'm sorry for being such a bad friend that I couldn't even say this to your face... That I had to do it when you didn't look like yourself... Even now I'm making all this about me, when you're the one we should be thinking about..."

She was spiraling and even through wolf's eyes twilight could see it plain as day. She temporarily forgot about her own situation and focused solely on Applejack. She edged up to where Applejack was sitting and leaned into her.

"Thanks Twi... You really are a great friend." Twilight was content to stay like that all night, but after a bit Applejack continued, "-but seriously anything you want and I'll get it for you!"

Twilight shook her head.

"There is nothing I want more than your friendship."

They sat staring out at the acres together, just enjoying each other's company. After a while Applejack broke the silence, "You know I didn't understand a word of that right?"

"I know Applejack, I know." Twilight barked back.

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