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"Oh, Rainbow Dash, it is good to see you could join us." Celestia said, looking down from her throne beside her sister observing the hall.

Rainbow didn't hear her princess's comment though, not over her own racing thoughts at seeing her there and only a scorch mark else in the hall where her currently canine companion should no doubt have been.

She took off full speed for the princess, or at least she meant to, before the guards that had been chasing her took advantage of her pause to catch up and tackled her to the ground.

"Whoa there partner! Calm down!" Applejack called before Rainbow could start throwing hooves.

"Why?" She stammered as she saw the farm mare and the rest of the group running into the room.

"Whadaya mean why?" Applejack asked as she began to make her own way up to the now-bound pony.

"But! But! Celestia! She Twilight's not- The howl!"

"Jumpin' to conclusions is how we got into this mess, how's about we just ask?" The farmpony herself asked, turning to the princess's, "Where's Twilight?"

Luna was the one to respond, "Fear not, she is safe."

"Then what was that howl?" Rainbow shouted accusingly.

"That is what she went off to discover. Her wolves are being held in the dungeons, voluntarily I may add, until such time as they can be safely removed from the city without risk of panic. In the meantime though, I would like to hear more of the recent events as you tell them. Please, share with me your interpretation of the events leading up to your decision to send for my sister's aid.

"Well then, Fluttershy dear? Would you like to tell us all your theory?" Rarity prodded.

Fluttershy wilted at the attention, "It's not really a theory... more like..." Fluttershy felt a hoof slide over her back, finding Rarity with a supportive smile.

"Just tell us dear, we just want to know as much as we can about what's been going on."

"Indeed," Luna concurred, "there is no need to fear, this is not a trial where your words bear great consequence, rather, we only seek to bring order to the recent chaos."

Luna's words seemed to help, as Fluttershy returned her soft smile.

"I'm sorry it took so long to figure this out, but I..." she took a deep breath, feeling Rarity's hoof squeeze gently, she looked over to find her friends' encouraging faces, "Ok, I'm ready."

"From the earliest if possible." Luna requested, "Twilight has presented her side of the story and my sister has attempted to convey her understanding stemming from what you all told her, so please, if you may, begin where your theory of the situation diverges from what was previously assumed."

"Well... I guess that would be when the Timberwolves showed up." she said, before her gaze fell on Rainbow Dash, and she whispered something unintelligible.

"What was that dear? You must speak up. Don't worry nothing you say will make any of us upset." Rarity calmly prompted.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, "Right." She said with renewed confidence "I'm sorry Rainbow, but when the Timberwolves came, why did you tackle Twilight?"

The pegasus looked confused, but quickly answered "Because Scootaloo was in danger!"

"What made you think that?" Fluttershy asked calmly, despite her oldest friend's reaction.

"Because Applejack told me about how Twilight tried to eat Applebloom!"

"Did she really?" Fluttershy shifted her focus to the farm mare.

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