Chapter 3

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How I woke up the next morning is an interesting story actually. I should've expected this from someone like Mike. Well guess what? He spilled a bucket of ice cold water on my face to wake me up.

"You asshole!" I screamed and we both laughed.

Maybe our friendship would work out. Maybe just maybe, but I don't know.

"Dude come on Vic wants us to meet Kellin. Well I mean, I know him but he wants you to meet him. Come on just follow me" he said.

"Well first let me get changed because I am not meeting some dude in boxers."

"Alright, hurry up."

And as I threw on a pair of shorts and a black tee we were out of the room. On the way there I quickly asked Mike who Kellin is and apparently he's Vic's boyfriend. We stopped at the door of room 243. Mike knocked.

"Come innnn" a voice said and I recognized it as Vic.

"Hey" I mumbled, "I'm Tony."

"Nice to meet you Tony, I'm Kellin, Vic's boyfriend."

Kellin had blue eyes and dark hair falling around his face.

"Nice to meet you too" I said and Mike and I left the room.

"I uh.. didn't know Vic was gay?" I stated well more like questioned. I was confused I don't know.

"Got a problem with it?" Mike said defensively.

"No Mike, I'm hella gay myself."

"Oh" was all he said.

"Got a problem with that?" I aksed, mimicking him.

"No Kellin, I'm hella bi myself" he said, mimicking me.

Well I didn't expect Mike to like guys. He was always surrounded by some chicks so this was definitely a surprise. Ah well, maybe we do have more things in common.

"What kind of music do you listen to?" I asked.

"Well, my favorite band is Fall Out Boy" he said.

"NO WAY!! MINE TOO!" I exclaimed. This was definitely a good start.

And so for a while we talked about bands and stuff about band members, our favorite songs and lyrics, and laughed at what we thought Patrick was saying in some FOB songs realizing we sang them wrong the whole time. After a while Mike asked, "so wanna go to the pool?"

"Sure, let's go back to our room I need to get my swimming shorts."

So we went to our room and changed, got towels and headed to the pool. There weren't too many people there, mostly just teenagers like us wanting to have fun.

After we were done swimming we just stayed by the pool on our towels, tanning and talking I guess. Well until Vic and Kellin approached us.

"Yo guys have you seen the parents anywhere?" Vic asked.

"Uh no?" Both Mike and I said at the same time.

"Kk, laters!" He yelled, already running off. What the hell was that?

"What the-" I started.

"He probably wants to do some shit they shouldn't know about, no big deal." Mike answered me.

"Okay well what do you wanna do now?" I asked.

"I dunno, walk around for a bit?"

"Okay sounds good."

We left the pool and started walking around. Then all of a sudden Mike was waving at someone. Well, some dude.

"Yo man what's up? Whatcha doing?" The guy asked Mike, ignoring my existence. Well, I was used to that.

"Well Hime, this is Tony, Tony this is Jaime" Mike said.

"Nice to meet you bro" Jaime said.

"You too," I answered.

"So you two, there's this dude, Justin, wait Mike I think he's your brother's boyfriend's friend, well anyway he's throwing a huge party in the meeting room downstairs, he booked it for tonight so like see you there?"

"Yeah sure" Mike said. Jaime walked away.

"What the hell dude? We don't even know the guy!!! I'm not going!" I yelled.

"Yes you are. Learn to have fun dude!"

"So now you're telling me I'm boring? Am I not fun for you??!!!! I actually thought we were friends!!"

"And yes we are!! I didn't say yoy were boring I just wanted you to come to a freaking party with me!! What's so bad about that? I was being a friend and asking you to come to a goddamn party what's the huge deal?"


"And we don't have to. That's how huge parties work. If someone tells you about a party and says see you there they are telling you to go! People just spread the word about them! Come on! Please, it'll be fun I promise!"

"Alright alright, I'll go. But I'm going back to the room to get some rest before that because I am tired as hell"

"And I am coming with you turtle."


When we got to the room I just threw myself onto the bed and closed my eyes for a nap.

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